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Profile for TeaMatthew

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 23:10
  • Posts: 8
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great, a workaround, why did i pay 26€ for a plugin?
404 does not work
Category: JoomSEF 4

thx for your answer. I have tried to deactivate the suffix at the beginning to find the error. But it did not help.

The only solution was to deinstall JoomSEF....
JoomSEF 4 and Phoca ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
wohooo, tried to disable to disable "Global SEF URLs Enabled " in the Status Module and got a "Error writing configuration" error. Then i looked at my frontend which is totally f*cked up all i see is a red joomla error 500.
Just disabling JoomSEF helps.

Sorry folks but im gonna deinstall your component. Dont want any more errors, stress and anger...

Lost 26€...
Linking to other ext ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Order-ID: 00014981


i am using the JoomSEF 4 (4.0.0 Beta) Beta on my Joomla 1.6 (1.6.0) and nothing really works.
As I wrote in this 10 days ago, 404 does not work, redirect does not work.

But the most annoying thin is, when i am making a new menulink to a component (tried with JoomShopping and Phoca Guestbook) it generates a link with double extension ( that, when clicked reloads itself till i close the browser.

I´ve bought this extensions to redirect the customers coming from google to the new Joomla 1.6 Articles. That does not work. My customers always see a errormessage. 301 Redirects do not work AND i can´t get other components to work with JoomSEF.

I am really pissed. I know that it is a beta, but i hoped the the core functions like redirect, 404 and other components work.

Ive asked for help over a week, and besides an email that someone might care about my problems nothing happened....
Linking to other ext ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi :)

JoomSEF4 is running, with many bugs.

But the newest Problem is, when installing Phoca Guestbook. When creating a Menu Link, JoomSEF generate an url with double .htmln ending ( ) that outputs an error. :(

Does anybody know a solution or workaraound?

Thx in advance

JoomSEF 4 and Phoca ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
i Had the "Error building Admin Menus" too...
backend problems + f ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Ok, some more info :)

We have set up a new joomla website under our old domain ( We are Usind the SEF URLs from joomla configuration.
What we want is, that the customers who find our old URLs, for example by a google search, dont see the joomla standard 404, but are being redirected to our frontpage.

So ive bought and installed JoomSEF and tried to configurer "404" in the configurtion:

404 Page Frontpage
Show 404 Message NO
Record 404 page hits? YES

Then i save and try to prove it is working.

When typing a non existent URL like several things happen sometimes:

1. I am redirected to and get the error :Article not found

2. The Website reloads every second, and nothing happens


3 Website NOT FOUND (

Whe trying to acess a non existent page via google (

i am redirected to:
And get the joomla 404 error category not found....

So, what am i doing wrong?

Thx for your help :)
404 does not work
Category: JoomSEF 4
I bought the new version for joomla 1.6 to have 404 redirected to Frontpage. but that does not work, all i get is 404 category not found....

What am i doing wrong?
404 does not work
Category: JoomSEF 4
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