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Profile for snock

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For our test website we needed to use the rewriteBase /sixsigma because this is where the joomla installation is.
now our domein name is moved to the new server and all the links are still using the rewriteBase /sixsigma/

should be

i switch of the rewriteBase option in .htaccess Editor and even checked the file manual..
after that i cleaned the cache.. and even put caching to NO in the configuration..

What can be the problem or even better. what can be the solution..


The problem is not within Artio configuration but in joomla configuration file.
the var $live_site was empty. filled in the base url and works fine now..
RewriteBase still ac ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
thanks david. you we're quicker than me..
more keywords than i ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
in some of my artikles i found more keywords than given in the keyword manager..

keywords given in the manager are:

Citibank Corporate and Investment Bank, Human Portal, LEAN, Six Sigma, Change Navigator, Innovation Catalyst

but in the HTML code on the front page i suddenly have these and much more keywords..

<meta name="keywords" content="Citibank Corporate and Investment Bank, Human Portal, LEAN, Six Sigma, Change Navigator, Innovation Catalyst, artikelen, artikelen, Welke invloed hebben Black Belts?Alexis Goncalves Sixsigma six sigma artikelen boeken publicaties vacatures bedrijven consultants Nederland Nederlands Nederlandse lean resultaten motorola welch ge 6 oorsprong case study wat is blackbelt service kwaliteit management japan japanse tools six-sigma sigma statistische methoden proces dmaic events seminar branche training opleidingen dienstverlening universiteit methodiek sigam sixma platform kennis knowledge overLeansixsigma leansigma lean-sixsigma leansixsigma.nlFaq six sigma" />

I also looked in Mysql table jos_sefurls, but that only gives the given keywords..

Edit:: Problem is solved.
rewrite keywords was disabled in configuration..
totally my mistake
more keywords than i ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Can we say that by purging sef urls the keywords are also gone?
Joomsef 3.6.6 and th ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
i can only see the import button :(
Joomsef 3.6.6 and th ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
we've update joomsef to 3.6.6 lately and by that action all the SEF urls and including keywords where gone.

The update was done by the back-end control panel.

I had to purge purge the SEF urls to make them working again. so that is why it probably updated also the keywords. only the ones that where locked stayed.
keyword rewrite was enabled.

is this a common thing? should i lock all my SEF urls to save them for next update. or did we make a procedure fault..
Joomsef 3.6.6 and th ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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