I am trying to implement the PDF download in frontend. I have read the documentation, and I think I have succeeded in getting this to work previously before upgrading VM. However, can someone confirm the exact code that should be entered at line 75? Something looks to be missing from the documentation - see attached photo where have put a red rectangle around it.
PDF Download in fron ...
Posted 9 years, 3 months ago
by smcmenamin
VMInvoice NOT compat ...
Posted 10 years ago
by smcmenamin
I had the same problem but it turned out that the standard VM Invoice is not compatible with VM3. You need VM Invoice 3, which is a separate product.
See here: www.artio.net/e-shop/virtuemart-tools
...there are two versions. I had recently renewed VM Invoice 2.5 when waiting on the VM Invoice 3 release so was not very happy, but Artio gave me a discount on 3. It seems to work file, a part from one minor bug....I don't know if this has been fixed yet though.
EDIT: Actually, having read your post again, I think the bug I get with VM Invoice 3 on J3.3 and VM3 is same as you report above. VM Invoice 2.5 would not work at all for me.....PDF invoices would not get created correctly.
Joomla 3.3.6 and VM3 ...
Posted 10 years ago
by smcmenamin
That's a fair point. I'd recommend emailing them just to confirm....
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I'll install the component on J3/VM3 this evening and let you know how it goes. Have you used it previously on VM2?
Support VM3
Posted 10 years ago
by smcmenamin
VM3 is already available. It came out last week.
I'd agree that the support response via the forum may not be brilliant, but any requests I've sent via email over the past year have been replied to quite quickly. They even emailed me to say VM3 was ready, and this was after I had enquired about it weeks ago.
Support VM3
Posted 10 years ago
by smcmenamin
I have used this component for the past year and it is very good.... I too am now eagerly awaiting a VM3 version as the template for our planned website revamp is based on VM3. Hope the new version of VM Invoice comes soon!!
Support VM3
Posted 10 years, 2 months ago
by smcmenamin
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