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Profile for sescha

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 17:17
  • Posts: 10
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"I could dance with you till the cows come home...On second thought, I'd rather dance with the cows when you came home."Groucho Marx, Duck Soup (1933)


Hi lubi,

Thank you very much for answering, and yes, we can make a deal, happy to know that you are interested in creating those exiting new features.

Maybe you could refund some of your additional development work by selling this as a "pro" or "advanced" edition that is priced a bit above the standard extension, or maybe you could make this an addon that needs to be licensed and installed on top of the component.

I would like to take a few days to create a basic Whitepaper that lists all requirements both for frontend and backend, such as registration, submission of bookable items, frontend editing of items, admin features, commissions etc.

I will do my best to also illustrate all the views, so you know how I imagine these new features. Even if it's not possible to follow these sketches all the time, they will still aid in our communication. Being a frontend developer and user interface designer, I need visuals to create a concept.

I am going on a two-week holiday now and hopefully I can send you my whitepaper when I get back (April 07). In the meantime feel free to contact me whenever you like, my email is Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spambots geschützt! Du musst JavaScript aktivieren, damit Du sie sehen kannst.

Thanks again!
Multi-Merchant Booki ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions

This topic is now 6 months old, and I would like to come back to it and kindly ask you wether you have made some progress with this the multi-merchant / multi-admin feature, or if it is still on your todo list (or maybe cancelled?).

My forthcoming project would need the ability to register frontend users as merchants, who submit items available for booking (also through the frontend). They would also need frontend editing and deleting of bookable items. Automatic calculation of a percentage of booking fees as a commission for the site owner (i.e. enter a percentage value for commisions) would be a plus.

If it helps to speed up the development, I'd be willing to fund it partially (project is paid well, I could possibly spend around 1000 € for custom development).

Looking forward to your reply,
Best regards! -- Sebastian
Multi-Merchant Booki ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
Just to keep everybody subscribed to this topic informed of our current status:

While we initially planned to use Artio BookIt and where almost ready to ask Artio Developers to add the frontend editing features for us as a custom extension, we have now switched to another Booking component that already offers frontend submission, together with a multi-vendor approach that allows us to also charge commissions on items booked.

So we will no longer need the discussed frontend editing extension for Artio Book It.

Can a registered use ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
Well it may be somewhat unappropriate to quote a competitor in a support forum ... in that case, Artio Staff, please delete this info, it is not my intention to offend. The script we currently review is called Koparent. It sadly lacks hourly booking slots (only days and multiples of days) but offers frontend editing and a variety of neat modules.
Can a registered use ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
Actually, please put my offer on hold for a couple of days.
It has just come to my attention that there exists another Joomla universal booking component which does already offer frontend submission and editing. We will check out that one first. If it does not meet our requirements, I will gladly further our customizing project here.
Should be able to tell you by next monday (Nov 26).
Can a registered use ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions

I was wondering if the Book It component would be accompanied by any modules.
For example, I could see the need for:

- Search Module
- Show latest bookable items Module
- Show most popular rental items Module
- Show random items module (or per category ...)

Any modules of this kind already exist?
Category: Pre-sale Questions
Hi antonsoho and scovilm,

Artio has given me a quote of app. 1400 Euro for the frontend "multivendor" feature.
I would be willing to cover 800 Euros of that, if somebody else would cover the remaining 600.

Looking forward to your feedback,

Can a registered use ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
Hi again,
To clarify exactly what we would need in such an extension to the Booking component:

Must haves:
  1. Ability to allow a specified "vendor" user role (such as author, or a custom role) frontend submission of rental items (for the actual registration of "vendor" users, we would possibly use a subscription plan extension such as AkeebaSubscriptions)
  2. Ability for logged-in "vendors" of the above role to edit or terminate their own rental item entries through the frontend
  3. Set notifications so that upon reservations the "vendor" gets notified of the reservation (in addition to sysadmin)

Nice to haves:
  1. Admin setup and display of a commission rate (% or fixed) in backend reservations screen for commissions on bookings, so that vendors can be charged a commission rate for their bookings
  2. Display a "My Account" view on frontend for vendors where they can see:
    1. their listings
    2. Their current and past reservations
    3. Their current commissions due

If you, antonsoho and scovilm, could please modify or add to this description so we can create a sound whitepaper for Artio to base their offer on.
Thanks and have a great day!

Can a registered use ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions

I am also very much interested in this feature. I plan to build a website where users can offer their technical equipment for rent. So I need a way to grant access to registered users (special role, like authors) to post and edit items through the frontend.

You say you could build this within 40 hours? What is your hourly rate?
Maybe the users interested in this (multi-vendor / marketplace) extension can split the cost between them?

Looking forward to your feedback!
Can a registered use ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions

Is it possible to use Artio Booking to allow merchants to register and offer their products for rental?
I guess that would also require frontend merchant functions to add new listing items for rent for registered merchants.

Does Artio Booking support multiple merchants (admins) where each can edit their own listings from the frontend?

Multi-Merchant Booki ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
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