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Profile for samiam

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emo Query string in URL
Category: Customer Support
OK they seem to be displaying content now and the URL in the Google analytics (page view) is not showing the query string.

Query string in URL
Category: Customer Support
I'm running the caching again, it might have picked up the blank pages from the php error when it ran this morning
Query string in URL
Category: Customer Support
OK my product pages are not appearing, with ether copy of the urlparms.php they are appearing blank.

category, and the cms pages are not effected.

Query string in URL
Category: Customer Support
I replaced urlparams.php which was blank, the site is back up. I see the tags and page link in your reply above but it's not active, its not hyperlinked, just plain text.

Query string in URL
Category: Customer Support
I dont see an attachment and my site is crashed

[24-Jun-2013 09:55:09 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Class 'Artio_MTurbo_Helper_Urlparams' not found in /home/worldws/public_html/app/Mage.php on line 520

the site is not accessible now, front or backend.

Query string in URL
Category: Customer Support
Kristof from Fooman replied

"technically it is different content and our extension will not filter out the ? part since it is vital for tracking things like campaigns and keywords.
You can set your google analytics to ignore certain query parameters."
Query string in URL
Category: Customer Support
Yes we use Fooman Google Analytics + and I do see what you mention. I have a update for it, although I don't know if that will 'fix' it.

Query string in URL
Category: Customer Support

It's showing up in Google Analytics (seems to be replacing the actual page name). If you visit the site you see the regular URL

If I add the query string to the URL it responds and does not rewrite it to the regular URL

The added string is showing up in analytics reporting as well as the regular URL
Query string in URL
Category: Customer Support
I'm seeing my URLs with ?___store=default&nocache=true&mturbo_dynamic_block=true added to them. What is causing this?

Is this the storeview being active in settings?

Turning it off will fix it?

Query string in URL
Category: Customer Support
Yes please.

1.) Menu item ID numbers are not being written to the URLs and I have to keep going in and fixing it

2.) Meta page title rewrite -append title active causes meta description to be active too, configuration does not have any effect (selecting do not rewrite descriptions does not work in this scenario) ongoing bug for many releases, some seemed to work with a next release undoing it.

I've got some work going on in our Magento site(s) this week but let's do it early next week.

Thank you,
Intech Marketing
bloody disaster
Category: JoomSEF 3
We have used the meta title re-write for some time with the JOOMSEF and have found it unreliable because the configuration settings are not followed by the extension.

We have description and keyword re-write off and yet it keeps re-writing the descriptions and publishing them. We have our own descriptions and now we have had to turn of the title re-write which solved the problem with the description but now the titles are not being appended with the data the client wants.

This has been a compliant of mine now for several updates and support saying it can't be.

Well it is and it's a bug. My client is now asking for me to remove the Artio extension and go back to the old Joomla! re-write that at least 'worked'

That's not much of a vote of confidence. Between the menu ID tracking not working right and the meta data description issue I'm at a loss to defend the product. It seems to get worse each time we upgrade. I kick myself everytime I do and it goes wrong. As I see many users have experienced. Don't feel bad folks, it happens to all of us using this extension. Far from perfect at the core.

I would suggest sticking with the re-write side and not dabble in site maps and such. That's not what we bought the extension for. Lets get the core working right, that is predictably.
meta descriptions
Category: JoomSEF 3
So then the 'solution' (its not) is to move the hidden menu into a page within the main menu and then run the update URLs, then it picks up on the other articles that are not on the main menu.

That is a ridiculous solution.

Sadly our staff can't even use this because of the very temperamental behavior of this extension. They have to call me in to fix it. Same with other installs.
bloody disaster
Category: JoomSEF 3
the irony of this is the pages with custom URLs from the last time this was messed up work fine. All the rest of the non-menu menu items are not working any longer. Items that are linked via the main menu work fine, everything else on the other menu do not. Your extension can not read them any longer. This is a serious bug. Just started with this update (and one a long time ago)
bloody disaster
Category: JoomSEF 3
You know we all use more then one menu? right?

We have to maintain control on modules right?

So why can it not deal with non menu items now (or pages on different menus that are hidden?)

I'm sick and tired of having to fix this thing? menu item tracking has been terrible in the last couple of releases.

So where I have 350 pages it can only 'see' the main menu items so I have 100 getting SEF URLS (even though the other pages have SEF URLs)

All menus must be read and create, index SEF URLs This is broken now..
bloody disaster
Category: JoomSEF 3
Stop playing around with this extension!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I just get 404 on most of my pages with this piece of>>>>>>

Now I can not re-index the pages and get 404's

I have used this extension on several sites (paid) and it just get's worse and worse.

Cleared cache, rebuilt SEF what have you done to this?


bloody disaster
Category: JoomSEF 3
Now I did not explain the why:
e Commerce sites sell 'stuff'. Your 'SEO specialist' is trying to calculate the value of the traffic coming into the site. It might seem obvious that one could just look at the sales reports to determine this information but it is not applied to the site analytics. Which pages are more valuable? what pages generate conversion and how much revenue!!! for that conversion. If I spend 10K for Adwords and get $50 in sales what's my ROI? That is a dramatic example and many times it's more subtle then that, thus the analytics. Its to remove the 'gut' feeling man business people use and create a real picture of the cost of marketing. It does me no good as your SEO specialist (if I were) to generate 20K of visitors a day with no conversions, or more subtle, I charge your client $20K for $20K in Revenue increase directly related to the analytics instead a throw at the dartboard? capisci?
Can Someone explain ...
This seems to manifest itself when the display is set to 'all' instead of 20+ 100 works fine it's just the all. It appears to happen anywhere in the interface for JOOMSEF. a little bug I guess.
meta description and ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Sure. Google has an additional script that captures the cart transaction. Really the best place to get information about Google is of course Google. I would highly recommend this Google article to better explain the process

The module is not really supported anymore although there are some updates that can be made to the the code. Now with Asynchronous tracking who knows?
Can Someone explain ...
samiam wrote:
I took your advice and re-installed (after backing up my JoomSEF URL file) It did fix the odd error of showing the content plug-in not up to date and the bouncing links but it did not fix the meta description and keyword issue. It should just just off the two functions (see first post image) and it seems to ignore it or append meta description and keywords. I hope this can be fixed in an upcoming release. I guess I could edit out the function but I might break it too. When I turn off the meta data rewrite then the issue goes away so it's not in my head. It's a great application with a lot of good features. Even the upgrades to meta tag data is a few steps in the right direction. Let's just get the functions to turn off the description and keywords specifically and completly would be much appreciated. Keep up the great work

Just to follow up. I was able to edit out the descriptions and have them hold this time around. It well may be a browser issue (FF3.6.3) as I was able to edit and update running 20 results at a time (sorted by meta description). Before I was trying the whole list. I'm happy :) thanks again.
meta description and ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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