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Profile for rpaerd

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 05:43
  • Posts: 10
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you can contact me privately via my contact form on
There I can answer your questions.

Ralph (rpaerd)
please delete my acc ...
Category: Customer Support

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

I've paid US$ 49.00 for the paid version of your software and for support.

I've had some questions last week and haven't got any answer from you here in the forum.

In this case I'm no longer interested in your software and I've found a better one !!!

Please delete my account and please, never contact me ever again!!!

Kind Regards
Ralph Pankow (rpaerd) from Erding / Germany
please delete my acc ...
Category: Customer Support
Order-ID 19043 System: Booking Paid 1.2.7 on Joomla! 1.6.6

Hi there,

another BUG is appeared in my installation. My objects have reservation-types of 1 houre (min 60 Minutes) and 3 houres (min also 60 Minutes) both with a fixed timerange from 9am to 11pm. It works propperly.
BUT in the reservation-list on frontend there will be no prices displayed. In the reservation confirmation the prices are correct.

Now I'm thinking about to change to another booking system !

Kind Regards
New Bug in Booking P ...
Category: Customer Support
I hope it too because I have some customers for this module but when I see how many topics are with 0 replies my hope is going to zero !!!
Another Bug found in ...
Category: Customer Support
Order-Number 19043 - Booking Paid 1.2.7 on Joomla 1.6.6

Hi there,

aften some problems with displaying new objects in frontend and many hours of searching, I've found the reason.
Nobody is perfect - me too! In this case I've created a new template and four new objects with reservation-types and prices. After looking the result on the fronpage I detected that I've made some thinking mistakes about my objects and have deleted it all.
After new creating of my objects with new reservation-types and prices I haven't seen anything about my new objects on the frontpage. What I mean is all of the sample objects where displayed but only the category of my own objects and not the objects itself.
After many hours of searching I've found out that during the deletion of my old objects only the objects itself has been deleted but not the reservation-types and prices of this objects.
The result is that in the database are reservation-types and prices with a blind link to not existing object. That causes the database to run into a open end action finding that not existing objects.
Result on the screen --> all objects, reservation-types and prices thas was created after the reservation-types with the blind link, will never be found in the database and also not displayed.

After deleting all that reservation-types and prices with blind links in the database by hand, my new objects with the new reservation-types and prices will be displayed in the frontend.

[Edit] The same thing happens with the supplements !

Kind Regards
Another Bug found in ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi there,

I've found a bug in Book It Paid!
How to reproduce it:
1st select objects in the control panel --> the first ten objects will be displayed
2nd scoll down and select show all --> no object will be displayed only the message "no objects found"
3rd select show 100 --> all objects are displayed

The same thing happens in templates!

In all other sections of Book It Paid and Joomla itself the function "show all" works fine.

Kind Regards
Bug in Book It Paid ...
Category: Customer Support
here the solution...

my test-system is a workstation under Windows 7/64 with installed xampp.
After having some other problems then only the language problem, I've decidet to make my test installation on my online page in a new subdomain.
After that new installation all of my problems are away.

[SOLVED] How to swit ...
Category: Customer Support
... is nobody here who can help me ?

[SOLVED] How to swit ...
Category: Customer Support
the uninstalling function dosn't also delete the database. You should delete all tables jos_booking_* by hand from your database befor you reinstall the booking.

install after unista ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi together,

is anybody here who can tell me how to switch from english to another language in Booking Paid?
I've made a translation of the language files from english to german and now I want to use the german files.


( invoice 19043 )
[SOLVED] How to swit ...
Category: Customer Support
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