E Commerce is not pu ...
Posted 12 years, 11 months ago
by rialtrade
I would also like to buy the PRO version, but the link still doesn't work and the PRO version can't be found in the shop.
The FREE version also has the e-commerce tracking options to choose from, but the purchases don't get tracked.
Can't purchase Googl ...
Posted 12 years, 11 months ago
by rialtrade
After using JoomSEF in combination with Virtuemart for over a year, I have noticed a missing feature. We have a lot of items in our shop and some of them have long gone away - were disabled, because they won't be sold anymore.
I would love to have a function to perform a maintenance on the Custom URLs - to be able to delete those URLs from the DB for products that have been deleted. Or in a form of button or also a filter option to show only URL's for products that doesn't exist anymore.
Posted 14 years, 4 months ago
by rialtrade
Just wanted to notice you that the latest version of the Virtuemart extension has a bug - at least for our site it had. The "limitstart=0" variable gets removed and the navigation in Virtuemart categories stops working because of that. I just couldn't return to the first page of the category.
The problematic part of the code is this:
// Remove empty limitstart if ($uri->getVar('limitstart') == '0') { $uri->delVar('limitstart'); }
I just changed the '0' into '' and it works again:
// Remove empty limitstart if ($uri->getVar('limitstart') == '') { $uri->delVar('limitstart'); }
It would be a far better solution to have the variable removed from the url if you clicked on the first number in the category page navigation, but I don't know if this is possible.
Virtuemart extension ...
Posted 14 years, 7 months ago
by rialtrade
I have a suggestion for the JoomSEF Words Manager - the links that get automatically generated based on the words and links in the database.
Now it's impossible to insert in the DB words with absolute links - if I want to link a word to our homepage this is what I get:
<a href="/">LINK TEXT</a>
From a SEO point of view it would be much better to have:
<a href="http://www.MYDOMAIN.COM">LINK TEXT</a>
Is it possible to implement that if a word links to the frontpage the generated URL becomes absolute?
Posted 14 years, 8 months ago
by rialtrade
I have stumbled upon another nuisance - when you have a lot of items and they are all indexed in the Sitemap and then suddenly you have to unpublish a whole set of items, the entries still remain in the Sitemap file.
I think it could be easily implemented a check, to create a sitemap only from published items with Index option selected? Or is it?
Thanks and keep up the great work.
SUGGESTION: Sitemap ...
Posted 14 years, 10 months ago
by rialtrade
I really like the new features of the 3.6.x version. Good work guys.
I would have a suggestion for the next release. Although the generated XML file is OK and is standard compliant, some parameters, especially the <changefreq> field are not quite useful - as discussed here:
I would really like to be able to select which parameters will be listed in the XML sitemap. Can you make an option in the Configuration > SiteMap where we could select which fields should be present in the sitemap?
Like this:
<lastmod> - ON / OFF
<changefreq> - ON / OFF
<priority> - ON / OFF
So if a filed is selected, to be generated in the XML file, than the file will contain that, otherwise no.
SUGGESTION: Sitemap ...
Posted 14 years, 10 months ago
by rialtrade
No, don't extract directly the ZIP file - the directory structure isn't the same. What's iside the "admin" directory in the zip file goes into administrator/components/com_sef and the files inside the "site" dir go into components/com_sef.
JoomSEF 3.5.3 backen ...
Posted 15 years, 1 month ago
by rialtrade
I'm not talking about a reinstall - a reinstall will delete your custom URLs. I'm just overwritting the files manually over FTP - I don't make any changes to the database.
JoomSEF 3.5.3 backen ...
Posted 15 years, 1 month ago
by rialtrade
Download the Artio JomSEF component and manually overwrite the files on the server with the downloaded one through FTP.
JoomSEF 3.5.3 backen ...
Posted 15 years, 1 month ago
by rialtrade
You're welcome.
The only thing to keep in mind is that this is not a final solution - from a SEO point of view it is better not to have those variables in the URL - a link that leads to root of the VM category like "some-url.html" it's better than "some-url.html?limit=10&limitstart=0"
So I hope that the guys and girls from Artio figure out what's causing this problem.
joomsef_3virtuemart ...
Posted 15 years, 2 months ago
by rialtrade
I have manually overwritten all the component files through FTP and now the 2. problem is gone (backend error) - it seems that the online upgrade procedure doesn't work as it should.
JoomSEF 3.5.3 backen ...
Posted 15 years, 2 months ago
by rialtrade
Hi, my ORDER ID (order number) is 00005856.
I have noticed a problem with the new Virtuemart Extension (v. 2.0.15) - browsing the categories doesn't work anymore - when I click the first time on a category it's OK, when I try to visit the second page in the same category (or the third, fourth...) it's also OK, but when I try to go back to the first page it doesn't work. The problem was also addressed here - www.artio.net/support-forums/joomsef-pai...ct-list-problem-back and I posted a temporary solution.
I have looked at the extension and the problematic lines are 275-279:
// remove the limitstart and limit variables if they point to the first page if (!is_null($uri->getVar('limitstart')) && ($uri->getVar('limitstart') == '0')) { $uri->delVar('limitstart'); $uri->delVar('limit'); }
If i remove them, it works OK. But I don't think that's a final solution, since it would be really SEO friendlier to have internal links leading to the main category page without the limitstart variable.
The other problem occured in the BACKEND with JoomSEF 3.5.3 - when I try to save a SEF URL in the Custom URL database I cannot to that - when I click save I get a white screen and the address is "administrator/index2.php". The URL doesn't get saved as a Custom URL - have checked in the DB. Any idea?
When I tried on the test server I get this error:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class TableExtension in administrator/components/com_sef/tables/sefurl.php on line 52
Is it possible to get the version 3.5.2 from somewhere or to fix this problem soon, otherwise I cannot add new URLs?
I have setup a test webpage for this - hxxp://razvoj.macus.info/vs - it's the duplicate of the LIVE site. The first problem can be seen in any subcategory - like hxxp://razvoj.macus.info/vs/dome-speed-dome.html
If any of the Artio staff would like to see the second problem and use the administrator interface, please PM me a message with your IP and I'll grant you access and PM you back the user and password.
JoomSEF 3.5.3 backen ...
Posted 15 years, 2 months ago
by rialtrade
I have recently upgraded to VM 1.1.4 and the problems are not yet solved. Maybe in VM 1.1.5
Meta description not ...
Posted 15 years, 2 months ago
by rialtrade
I have the same problem - the problem occured with the latest update of the Virtuemart extension - v.2.0.15. The problematic lines are 275-279:
// remove the limitstart and limit variables if they point to the first page if (!is_null($uri->getVar('limitstart')) && ($uri->getVar('limitstart') == '0')) { $uri->delVar('limitstart'); $uri->delVar('limit'); }
If you remove that lines from your extension file com_virtuemart.php (located in components/com_sef/sef_ext/) everything will work fine. At least for me it does.
Also check the extension settings since some new variables were introduced.
joomsef_3virtuemart ...
Posted 15 years, 2 months ago
by rialtrade
I noticed that the downloading of ordered products works only manually, meaning that you have to go to the dowload page and manually enter the download ID of each product.
Can you fix the downloading functionality so that when I click on an item in my order it would get downloaded automatically?
Now it shows this link:
The upper download id is fake. When I click on the link it shows the e-shop categories list and nothing happens.
Download of ordered ...
Posted 15 years, 4 months ago
by rialtrade
Found the solution myself - I don't know if this is a VM problem or it could also be corrected by Artio - fact is, that I changed some code in the file "administrator/components/com_virtuemart/html/shop.product_details.php", around line 228:
change this code:
// Prepend Product Short Description Meta Tag "description" if( vmIsJoomla('1.5')) { $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->setDescription(strip_tags( $db_product->f("product_s_desc"))); } else { $mainframe->prependMetaTag( "description", strip_tags( $db_product->f("product_s_desc")) ); }
into this:
// Prepend Product Short Description Meta Tag "description" if( vmIsJoomla('1.5')) { $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->setDescription(strip_tags( str_replace('"',""",$db_product->f("product_s_desc"))),ENT_QUOTES); } else { $mainframe->prependMetaTag( "description", strip_tags( str_replace('"',""",$db_product->f("product_s_desc"))),ENT_QUOTES); }
And the quotations mark should be replaced. At least for me it works.
Meta description not ...
Posted 15 years, 5 months ago
by rialtrade
Also noticed, that the PARAMETER Product Description under the Meta Description Settings of the Virtuemart SEF extension doesn't work.
I have created a custom redirect for my product.
If I have the Meta Description field in the Custom redirect empty, it doesn't matter what I have selected in the Product Description parameter under the Meta Description Settings of the Virtuemart SEF extension. The META description will always be the product SHORT DESCRIPTION.
If the Meta Description field is not empty, than that is what will always be displayed, no matter what the parameter under the extension will say. Is this a bug or am I missing something?
Meta description not ...
Posted 15 years, 5 months ago
by rialtrade
Is it possible to get the code also here, to patch the files manually - for faster fix of the issue on my site?
Meta description not ...
Posted 15 years, 5 months ago
by rialtrade
Problem solved - solution posted by susi (10x again) on the Rockettheme forum (accessible only by subscribers).
I have attached the correct helper.php file, that should go into the mod_rokvirtuemart_categories folder. Of course, the latest mod_rokvirtuemart_categories version should be installed as well as the router.php for Virtuemart.
Attachment helper.zip not found
mod_rokvirtuemart_ca ...
Posted 15 years, 5 months ago
by rialtrade
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