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Profile for resabido

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 05:57
  • Posts: 14
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I just installed Bookin 2 on a 3.5 Joomla.
Everything seemed ok, but when I go to the component nothing is displayed, I get a totally blank page (administrator side).
Have you any idea on how to solve it?
Thanks in advance!
Blank page after ins ...
Category: Community Support
Thanks a lot!!! Now it seems to work ok!!!!
Paypal not working
Category: Customer Support
Please...I need this working next week. Nobody is giving a solution.
Paypal does not make the payment. When I do a booking and has paypal payment it does not go to paypal gateway.
It goes directly to:
an no way to do the payment!
WHY???? Need solutions asap or my money back!
Thanks again!
Paypal not working
Category: Customer Support
I also have problems with paypal. Not working at all, it's more than a week now that I am asking for a solution, but nothing!
Can anybody react asap, please?????¿
Problem with paypal
Category: Customer Support
As I said on my previos post: it is OK, it is published and ACL configured correctly and STILL DOES NOT WORK.
I need a real solution to this problem.

Here you are the screenshots
ACL configuration

Payment methods

Paypal pluggin

I hope that it does not last another week to answer...this is very annoying....
Paypal not working
Category: Customer Support
Can anybody please give a solution or help or if not, refund the money?
It's more than a month that I bought the component and it had never worked on my site due to all bugs.....
Paypal not working
Category: Customer Support
Hi, there,
I've already send this question days ago by mail, but still waiting for answer.
The main thing is: Paypal is not working. I checked ACL and seems correct, also the pluggin with real paypal account, but no way to configure on backend he payment on the item Prices...where do I have to set this....I do not see anymore the dropdown selection I had on previous version.
Now I use joomla 2.5.14, Booking 2.1.3 and last php version.Thanks!
Paypal not working
Category: Customer Support
Solved, for the moment!
My hosting provider found the solution and was due missing language on component.
DateTime::__construc ...
Category: Customer Support
I used Artio Free and ewas OK, but after paying and upgrading to PRO everything stopped working. I tried everything: reinstalling, deleting everything (even SQL tables) and reinstalling, installing fresh Joomla 2.5.14 and installing Artio Booking...but nothing at all, as soon as I set a Prices on a Bookable Item everyhitng blows and I get the error you can see on the screencshot. Its now 15 days that I am trying, I have writen emails and posted to similar topics, but I get no answer.

I use joomla 2.5.14, Artio Booking 2.1.2 and php is 5.3.23.

Could you please help me or refund my money, please? This is not working at all.
Screenshot error
DateTime::__construc ...
Category: Customer Support
Have you already tried by clicking the "Nights booking" on the "Reservation settings" tab and/or "Time Range
over Midnight" on the "Prices" settings?
Fishing boat booking ...
Category: Customer Support
I've already done this.
I have even reinstalled everythig (fresh joomla 2.5.14) and nothing at all. As soon as I try the prices everything blows...could you please give a real solution?
Thanks again!
Error (2.1.0)
Category: Customer Support
HI there!
That did not work for me.
I uninstalled and installed again, but still errors are there.
Couls anybody please give a solution?
Error (2.1.0)
Category: Customer Support
By the way: joomla 2.5.14.
PHp version 5.3.23.
booking 2.1.2

Error when accessing ...
Category: Customer Support
I have the same error, but the thing is that I have upgraded to booking 2.1.2. Since then I cannot even see the Bookable items on "Prices"...instead of the name I get "Reservation type hourly label"....
Error when accessing ...
Category: Customer Support
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