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Profile for rayres88

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 23:16
  • Posts: 9
  • Profile Views: 4043
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Sorry, typo on joomla version. It is 1.5.22
JoomSEF Error when p ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
order ID. 13412
Joomla version 1.21
JoomSEF version 3.7.6

I have Joomsef running for over a month but now out of nowhere on some pages in my site, when I try to paste a link of a page from the website to the link in facebook I get the text below instead of it finding the picture and article so I can post. It seems it only does this on some pages while others works fine. Even the front page or main domain of the website works ok.

JoomSEF Error - Error: JoomSEF Error

If you take this specific link to the site
and paste it under link in your own facebook to post, you will see the error I am talking about.

You can also use the facebook button on the article itself which links you to post to facebook and populates with the same error.
JoomSEF Error when p ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Found content linker plugin was the issue!
Jevents detailed pag ...
Category: Extensions
Just installed the paid version of Jevents and I do get the first page of the monthly calendar but when I hit on a page to get details of an event it goes blank! Any help would be nice..
Jevents detailed pag ...
Category: Extensions
Sorry order id was 13608

New information. Now I see that no matter what I have configured in the content plugin it does what it wants to by default. I have the default keywords set to minimum 3 and max 8 but it still gives articles keywords up to 15 I have seen. So now this may explain a little more why the Never /blog won't go away. It seems the program is not folling the configuration that is set in content. Any ideas?
/blog wont go away e ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Have read on the forums about going to content and making the Add layout to URL to never! I have purged Urls, killed url Trash, Cache everything and they are still there.

All categories come up with /blog at the end even when it says NEVER!

Any ideas?

/blog wont go away e ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Have read on the forums about going to content and making the Add layout to URL to never! I have purged Urls, killed url Trash, Cache everything and they are still there.

All categories come up with /blog at the end even when it says NEVER!

Any ideas?

/Blog will not go aw ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Well it working for you really isn't helping me much that's for sure lol. Any other ideas?
HWDVideoShare EXT do ...
Category: Extensions
I have the free JoomSef with paid HWDVideoShare ext and when I install I cannot even get the front page of HWDVideo to display(blank page). I have tried NO SEF, basic rewriting and it just doesn't work unless I completely uninstall JoomSEF all together, not just the plugin even. ALL of it!

If I uninstall just the paid plugin and set the config to basic rewriting I get the front page at least but none of the videos will link and get blank page. ANy help?
HWDVideoShare EXT do ...
Category: Extensions
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