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Profile for ramgirm

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 05:49
  • Posts: 5
  • Profile Views: 5880
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So you dont want to fix it and dont want to give refund. What type of company is this? This is cheating
Event price setting ...
Category: Customer Support
Any update on this?
Event price setting ...
Category: Customer Support
Event ticket price setup is a problem. Even in your demo site, you set the price for "Linkin Park" in backend set as 55 euros. However, the seats prices are different for example, closure seats are 55 and back seats should be less. However, if you go to frontend then no matter whichever seat you choose they are all for 55 euros. Also, even if you select more than 1 seats and go to your cart, it only adds 1 seat.

In my second test, I tried selecting 3 seats but it only added 2 seats.

Also, there is no option to set "Delivery Prices". It takes product prices only. Which is also not get added to the cart.

Can you please help me with this?
Event price setting ...
Category: Customer Support
I sent email with details on Wednesday but no one replied to it. Please fix my problem as we are not able to launch our site. I am sending another email just in case.
Does not work proper ...
Category: Customer Support
I installed the VM 1.1.9 and then installed eTicket but it does not render properly. If I open select seat popup nothing shows up. Please provide me personal message id so that I can provide you an URL of my site.
Does not work proper ...
Category: Customer Support
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