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Profile for noos

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on a clean joomla installation all works fine, the conflict is with a previously installed module... could you indicate at least where to watch for finding the "redeclare" issue?
ERROR: redeclare cla ...
Category: Customer Support
We are using JoomDOC Version 3.4.3 Pro (Release Date 12.07.12).
We think that the conflict is with one of the other installed modules...
ERROR: redeclare cla ...
Category: Customer Support
hi, we have the PRO version of the JoomDOC3.

We have installed that version on our server on Joomla 1.5 with a lot of other modules.
The JoomDOC3 core works well (the backend part accessible by the Component menu -> ARTIO JoomDOC), but when we try to add and configure a new module such as "mod_joomdoc_explorer" or "mod_joomdoc_search" or "mod_joomdoc" they crash in the config menu (like in the screenshot).
Is there any known issue about that? Wich kind of information could I submit for to know what is happening?
ERROR: redeclare cla ...
Category: Customer Support
hi, we have purchased the PRO version of the JoomDOC3.
We have installed that version on our server on Joomla 1.5 with a lot of other modules.
The JoomDOC3 core works well (the backend part accessible by the Component menu -> ARTIO JoomDOC), but when we try to add and configure a new module such as "mod_joomdoc_explorer" or "mod_joomdoc_search" or "mod_joomdoc" they crash in the config menu (like in the screenshot).
Is there any known issue about that? Wich kind of information could I submit for to know what is happening?
ERROR: redeclare cla ...
Category: Community Support
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