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Profile for mymanga

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 05:49
  • Posts: 5
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Am having problems with the sitting arrangement...I setup a movie ticket, but wen chosing a seat only one seat is is a link to the ticket..

And I have added seat numbers just like in the demo website

maju wrote:
That is correct. VM E-Tickets for Joomla 1.5 offers only 2 standard plugins... Flash and Default.

You can create more plugins if you need it. So, 'sections' is probably modified flash plugin. You can modify number of rows and number of seats per row in flash plugin only by changing its code. There is more possible settings, but you have to understand php to change it.

If you need flash and don't understand php, we offer paid support. You can contact us on Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spambots geschützt! Du musst JavaScript aktivieren, damit Du sie sehen kannst.
Plugins VM eTickets
Category: Customer Support
Am having problems with the sitting arrangement...I setup a movie ticket, but wen chosing a seat only one seat is is a link to the ticket..

And I have added seat numbers just like in the demo website
Plugins VM eTickets
Category: Customer Support
Under plgin settings, I can see there are three options, "default" , "flash" and "sections" ...but in my website there are only the first sections
Plugins VM eTickets
Category: Customer Support
Thank you...will get back to you if am still stuck..thanks again
Plugins VM eTickets
Category: Customer Support
This is my first post here so plese be linient if I break any rules. I Just bought VM eTickets and I know the plugins feature is set for seat arrangement, but I dont know how to go about that. Does artio provide templates I can edit or am I supposed to come up with my own, if so, is there a guide on how to do that???
Plugins VM eTickets
Category: Customer Support
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