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Profile for Marttyn

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 20:34
  • Posts: 3
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A nice feature would be a button that generates a shipping label for the selected order.
I felt scammed when i purchase this extension:
Its supposed to generate a label with shipping details, but it works awfully and only works with google chrome.
Im sure it would be quite easy to implement on VM Invoice, and would help a lot for people like me that has a label printer. Now i have to copy each field individualy. But if you could pop up a window with all the shipping information in the right order, then it would be just one copy-paste.
Also a more sophisticated version would be to generate the entire label, like to do with the invoice.
Anyway, hope this sounds useful and you can implement in near future.
Shipping label
Category: Feature Requests
I must admit that VM Invoice for J2.5 is my most used component along with Virtuemart and Easyblog.
Now im updating to J3.4 and i will buy the new VM invoice.
I would love to see a button that generates a "packing list" (PDF or HTML) so i can prepare orders easily.
Now i have to enter "Edit mode" and check the items and address. Many times i use billing address because i dont realize a shipping address was added.
If a button could pop up a window with just the needed information to prepare the order and ship would be awesome!!
-Shipping Address
-If Cash on delivery payment method was selected, the total to charge.

This would make a lot easier the order preparing.
As i have automatic invoice sending, generated on "shipped" status, i cant use the invoice for this purpose, as its not generated yet.

Hope you consider my request.
Packing list feature
Category: Feature Requests
I have the same problem with product attributes. I have different product attributes defined with constant strings in VM, and those constant strings are translated on each language.
But on invoice it appears the constant string instead of the translated string. The problem is usually not adding the JTEXT function so Joomla knows this is a translatable string.
Can you point me where to change this so i get my translated product attribute on the invoice?
Translation for orde ...
Category: Translations
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