Thank you, in the end I've found the error. Is generated by the mod_virtuemart_search, when I disable this and change with the defualt Joomla search module everything is seems to be ok. Anyway thanks for your attention.
Appending virtuemart ...
Posted 11 years ago
by key4625
and if I manually insert the virtuemart_category_id as non sef variable, then when I change page this variable continue to be showed, like exposed in my first post...
Appending virtuemart ...
Posted 11 years ago
by key4625
After a day of research I've found that it generating by a problem on the virtuemart search module.. It seems that is not compatible with JoomSef... I have done a little customization in the module so now the search should be effective in the entire categories of the site.. in the view of the mod_virtuemart_search i've insert the virtuemart_category_id = 0 field: <?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=category&search=true&virtuemart_category_id=0&limitstart=0&Itemid=0' ); ?> (line 7 mod_virtuemart_search/views/defualt.php) but it continue to bring the variable of the category and the result of search is related with the category that I was been before... It is crazy.. I can't understand why.
In fact that url is traduced by joomsef as "list-all-products.html" and there are a lot of non sef url that have this sefurl:
and noone have virtuemart_category_id attribute setted to 0...
Please, this issue begin important for search engines.
Appending virtuemart ...
Posted 11 years ago
by key4625
Hi everyone. I have a big problem with this extension, it generates a lot of url like this: www.artigianocreativo.com/chiave-di-viol...emart_category_id=16
this url have a canonical on itself and append the variable in get request, so I have a list of duplicate title and description. I've looked in the URL SEF Manager and I found two non-sef url that have the same sef url.
ONE: index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=productdetails&virtuemart_category_id=16&virtuemart_manufacturer_id=2&virtuemart_product_id=509&Itemid=137 (that I think it's ok)
TWO: index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=productdetails&virtuemart_manufacturer_id=2&virtuemart_product_id=509&Itemid=166 (that not have virtuemart_category_id in the url)
then it append the category variable as non sef...
How can I manage this situation?
I don't know why the second URL is generated.. please help me!
I have joomla 2.5.16
Virtuemart 2.0.26d
JoomSef 4.5.1
JoomSef VM extension 3.0.18
P.s. I manage canonical from virtuemart feature because the canonical that is managed from JoomSef is not working well..
Appending virtuemart ...
Posted 11 years ago
by key4625
I resolve! :) The article that is linked to the page have the wrong category assigned!
404 not redirect to ...
Posted 11 years, 4 months ago
by key4625
Hi everybody! I set JoomSef for redirect not existing page to a 404 custom page. I set it from the configuration but the system when a 404 occur, doesn't respond with a custom page but with the standard 404 page (without anything)...
I've tried some change in the configuration but I can't find a solution...
Can you help me?
404 not redirect to ...
Posted 11 years, 4 months ago
by key4625
With the extension 4 virtuemart of JoomSef is possibile to generate the file suffix (e.g. .html) only for the page of product?
In Virtuemart is pos ...
Posted 11 years, 4 months ago
by key4625
Hi everybody, I have a problem between joomsef and virtuemart for the language switch. I set up this for article outside virtemart and it work, but if I link two menu items with a virtuemart category when I change the language I begin redirect to the homepage and not in the equivalent category in english... Someone have an idea?
It will be good if the same thing succed in the single product to...
My system:
Joomla 2.5.14
Vm 2.0.24
JoomSef 4 (+ Vm extension)
Vm problem with lang ...
Posted 11 years, 4 months ago
by key4625
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