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Profile for kalimera

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 22:55
  • Posts: 7
  • Profile Views: 3263
  • Location: Unknown
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I bought JOOMSEF and complained to Artio about their support.
Artio then changed my status to CANCELLED.

Now I keep asking for my money back, but to no avail or reply or whatsoever.
Paypal won't return my money, either, because this was a software product.

A very strange way to stay in business
Attention by payment ...
Category: JoomSEF
Why doesn't anybody reply to my request?

I used to have the free version 3.6.2
I have deleted thiat now and do have the paid version installed.

I have repeted this process three times.

But still "Joomla SEO powered by JoomSEF". appears on my website.
How can I avoid that?
What is there to do?
Remove "Joomla SEO p ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I do have the paid version since 2 February 2011
This version I then installed.
The order number was Order Number: 00015354

Under Upgrade appears Registration Info
Free upgrades available until: 2 February 2012

nonetheless "Joomla SEO powered by JoomSEF". appears on my website.
How can I avoid that?
What is there to do?

My Website is
Remove "Joomla SEO p ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I do have the paid version since yesterday.
This version I then installed.
The order number was Order Number: 00015354
What is there to do?

I am tired of all this.
Since yesterday I try to make it work but to no avail.

Under Upgrade appears Registration Info
Free upgrades available until: 02. Februar 2012
mod_search not work
Category: JoomSEF 3
I set the SEF URL as blank and the Real URL as index.php

Nonetheless nothing works.

I have a paid version
nonetheless "Joomla SEO powered by JoomSEF". appears on my website.
Does it have to do with this?
mod_search not work
Category: JoomSEF 3
I have a paid version

nonetheless "Joomla SEO powered by JoomSEF". appears on my website.
How can I avoid that?
Removing Link From B ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I have the same problem
If I enable JoomSEF, the search module does not work.
If I disable JoomSEF, the search module works fine.

I set it as Don't handle but either way I set it, it does not work as long as JoomSEF is enabled.

My website is
mod_search not work
Category: JoomSEF 3
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