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Profile for joecardoza

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 06:18
  • Posts: 4
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I'm so sorry, could you be more specific. There are several virtuemart options. None of the option in the general configuration say "virtumart" at all. Do you mind giving me a detailed account on how to remove "inventory" from my URLS?

Thank you so much in advance for all of your help. I appreciate it.
Strange 404's have m ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
What would happen if I redirected these to my frontpage ( would that screw things up? What do you do with yours? Doesn't Google hate these 404's being produced?

Also.. as an option in joomsef.. in the option where you select a filename extension in case its needed for certain search engines I chose index.php and that seems to be taking care of all the index.html and index.php 404's I am getting. Is this correct?

One more question (sorry).. check my site out How would I remove "inventory" before my store categories. I've tried every option, I think this is a Joomsef bug.. correct?

Thanks soooo much!
Strange 404's have m ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I am praying someone can help me with this, I have researched this for hours.

In my 404 logs I am receiving 404's that include some of the following file URL's:


and others.. this concerns me because I have checked my folder and file permissions, everything is good to go. I don't understand how people are accessing these files or why they are being reported as 404's. I've looked everywhere in this forum and could not find an answer. Can someone tell me if I should be worried about these or what I should do with these? Redirect them? just delete them? redirect them to the frontpage?

Any help or suggestions would be VERY appreciated. I thank you in advance for your time.

Strange 404's have m ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I have a MAJOR problem with the VirtueMart extension. I am hoping someone can help me.

If you go to my website and you go to "inventory" then for example click on "balances" then look at the first balance it is the A&D FR-200 but the URL is totally incorrect.

Some products have the correct SEF URL's and some don't.

Does anyone have any idea why this is happening?

I'm desperate! Thank you!
products within cate ...
Category: Extensions
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