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Profile for hnamarcus

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 23:28
  • Posts: 6
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Hi jan

The source seems to be ok.

Link source:
Appended verables ge ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi jan

I get this problem when i in virtuemart try to go to the next page in a virtuemart category. For example the link is page 1:


link to page 2 is:

and that is what is shown in the browser url feald.

Thanks for all help
Appended verables ge ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi Artio

Sorry for placing the post twise firstime i placed the post in ths wrong category.

Joomla 1.5.22
Order id - 14068
Version: 3.7.6
Virtuemart extention 2.0.34

My problem is the same in the newest vertion of joomsef. My problem is that urls for pages with appended veriables like orderby get alterd like they were run through the php htmlspecialchars function before they are used in the url.
& turns in to &

how the url is suposed to look:

after this when google crawls the page urls is retrived like

witch results in that google throws a Redirect Notice when they click on the link.
Can you help me with this?

Also can you help me find the funktion that generates the url with apended veriables? And is it possible to get an addon for virtuemart category dtree script?

Thanks fore all help.
Appended verables ge ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi Artio

Order id - 14068
Version: 3.7.6
Virtuemart extention 2.0.34

My problem is the same in the newest vertion of joomsef. My problem is that urls for pages with appended veriables like orderby get alterd like they were run through the php htmlspecialchars function before they are used in the url.
& turns in to &

how the url is suposed to look:

after this when google crawls the page urls is retrived like

witch results in that google throws a Redirect Notice when they click on the link.
Can you help me with this?

Also can you help me find the funktion that generates the url with apended veriables? And is it possible to get an addon for virtuemart category dtree script?

Thanks fore all help.
Appended verables ge ...
Category: JoomSEF
Hi Jan

Ok, Do you know what the last % urls is that nead the veriable? and do you know where in Vm i can remove the veriable?

Tanks for all help.

With Best Regards
remove manufacturer_ ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi artio

Order Number:14068

Version Info
joomsef Installed version: 3.7.6
Newest version: 3.7.6
joomla Version 1.5.22

SEF Extension Installed version Newest version Typ Upgrade
Content 2.0.22 2.0.23 Paid
User 2.0.4 2.0.3 Free
VirtueMart 2.0.34 Paid

I nead help with removing the manufacturer_id=24 veriable from the uri not the sefed url. The veriable is causing some duplicate urls.





Thay are both generating the same sef url.
Ore is it an nessesary veriable? Urls seam to work without it.

Thanks for all help.

With Best Regards
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remove manufacturer_ ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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