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Profile for gcarne

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 05:36
  • Posts: 14
  • Profile Views: 4719
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1) Almost all my products have parents with children e.g. colour, size etc. using stockable custom fields. In VM2 it was possible to add such a product when creating a new order in back-end by entering the parent and then selecting colour and/or size to identify the child. In VM3 this does not work! Can you please tell me how to make it work in VM3? Attached screen shot shows how it looks in VM3. Here it is not possible to select size and colour (Größe/Farbe). In the front-end all works fine when selecting and ordering a product.

2) Is it somehow possible to change the price individually for one item when creating a new order in back-end?
Create New Order Ite ...
Category: Feature Requests
I cannot install My php.ini has large enough file size settings. The Joomla message is attached. Can you see a reason for this?

PS. I am on Joomla 3.5.1 VirtueMart 3.0.16. Is there a compatability problem.
Install problem VM I ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
I have found the file de-DE.com_vminvoice.ini, but this is the language constants only. There must be a file where the cpt is linked to the language constants. For instance the build of {billing_address} which contains a language constant and customer order fields or {customer_note_cpt} which is probably a language constant only.

Again, thanks on beforehand...
Texts for caption fi ...
Category: Feature Requests
Can anyone tell me where to find the texts to the caption fields in VM Invoice, e.g. {customer_note_cpt} and their translations. I wish to change some of them.

Thanks on beforehand. ...
Texts for caption fi ...
Category: Feature Requests
Resolved. Brain error.
Invoice email logo n ...
Category: Customer Support
I have the company logo as jpg in the invoice email. It does not show on the email sent to customer regardless of email browser.

Can anyone help?
Invoice email logo n ...
Category: Customer Support
I replaced {contact}, which is ok for the U.S., but not good for most European countries, with the replacement fields for vendor i.e. {vendor_company_name} etc.

Problem solved.
Invoice Header Conta ...
Category: Customer Support
The standard VM Invoice PDF has company address at the top left using tag {contact}. Part of it shows "state" Pennsylvania which in my shop is not relevant. I cannot find this in Joomla or Virtuemart. Where is the content for {contact} taken from? I am a beginner and for future purposes, is there a general way in which I can see from where a given tag gets its content?
Invoice Header Conta ...
Category: Customer Support
Same thing (almost):

I am developing on localhost and when ordering VM Invoice I did not know what to put into the "Site URL" and "Testing URL" fields and perhaps naively and not knowing better I just entered "Testing URL". The case of localhost is not mentioned in the ordering page of ARTIO. I now assume that at least the Testing URL should have been filled with "localhost/<myJoomlaname>". Do I now really have to pay an additional fee just to get this corrected and get the latest upgrade?

PS. In the meantime I have acquired a registered domain name, but it is not yet online and I am still working on localhost during development phase.
"Your registered dom ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
SOLVED: Change of post_max_size to 8MB in php.ini and restart of Apache.
Installation of VM I ...
Category: Customer Support
SOLVED: Change of post_max_size to 8MB in php.ini and restart of Apache.
First install VM Inv ...
Category: Customer Support
Yes I did read it and tried the options mentioned, but it did not solve the problem. I am on Joomla 2.5, VM 2.0.20b and localhost/XAMPP.
First install VM Inv ...
Category: Customer Support
I bought and downloaded the VM Invoices extension last Friday and I cannon install it on my site. Joomla responds There was an error uploading this file to the server.and Unable to find install package. I have installed other extensions on this server without problems. Would you be able to provide me with a solution? Prior to going public,I am still developing locally/XAMPP and did not provide a URL entered at the time of purchase. I am on Joomla 2.5.19 and VM 2.0.20b Are you able to help me? I am stuck with my VM-Development at a critical point.
Installation of VM I ...
Category: Customer Support
I just purchased VM Invoice and downloaded the Joomla responds "There was an error uploading this file to the server." and "Unable to find install package" when trying to install using "Upload package file". I have installed several plug-ins in the last couple of days without problem. This is not a good start with VM Invoice. Could you please provide a solution? Thanks.
First install VM Inv ...
Category: Customer Support
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