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Profile for galtline

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 06:00
  • Posts: 4
  • Profile Views: 3530
  • Location: Unknown
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  • Birthdate: Unknown




I need a correct 404 page to display if the page had moved. If I point to the 404 article page it is not showing the correct headers.

What is your email so I can send you more private information
How to call the 404 ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
What if I want to use the 404 in SEF ?
How to call the 404 ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I am wondering how do I call the 404 page from within the SEF Component. When a property page is no longer available or off market I need the page to redirect to the 404 through sef component. If I point it to just the 404 page Google is showing it as a live page.

The content of the page is entirely unrelated to the HTTP response returned by the server. Just because a page displays a 404 File Not Found message doesn’t mean that it’s a 404 page. It's like a giraffe wearing a name tag that says "dog." Just because it says it's a dog, doesn't mean it's actually a dog. Similarly, just because a page says 404, doesn't mean it's returning a 404. You can use Fetch as Google (or other tools available on the web) to verify whether the URL is actually returning the correct code.

If I just point to the 404 article Google sees that page as a live page. I need the SEF component to tell Google that the 404 article page is indeed a true 404 page.
How to call the 404 ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Is there a way to add custom field variables to the sef module urls.
Adding Custom feilds
Category: JoomSEF 3
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