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Profile for frindel

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 05:49
  • Posts: 12
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Hi ev'ryone.

I just installed the 1.2.5 version: I'm sorry to tell you that the discounts function you put inside the prices section is totally useless and actually it doesn't work: the values just don't appear in frontend view, instead it appears the string "count days discount". But this function is also useless by concept.

I'll put you an example:
I have a car with a rent price of € 55/day. But I also have a 7-days price of € 150. Using your system I had to calculate 150/7 (that is a n-digit floating number) and subtract it from 55 in order to have the unit's a little complicate, ain't?

Instead of that I propose a simpler way to reach the goal: treat daily bookings just like the hourly ones: just you could set days amount (editing their boxes in "reservation-types" section, actually disabled) for each reservation type and still disabling the "time from" and "time to" for daily types in "prices" section, that are useless for daily bookings. I just tried doing it by setting to "false" the var TimeDisabling in view-subject.js, but I think itsn't enough... you just know your project better than me so you could do it sooner.

Another suggest I give you is to associate each supplement to a single reservation type, so I could set for each one its own supplements, that in real life could be different for each reservation type.
In example: In car rental section I've to set the deliveral in airport supplement (airport is at 65 km from the headquarter): it should have different values belong to the rent period, so I should associate every single supplement to one reservation type, but actually it isn't possible.

I still notice the "00:00" string processing problem, that makes unusable the hourly reservation.
Did you find the cause of this bug? It's a DB problem or a permission problem?
If I give you the acces keys to my website could you take a look at it? I'm afraid that it could depend from server settings, but also in my pc localhost I notice the same problem...


Can't reserve more t ...
Category: Customer Support
It's impossible to send js files from here, now I will send you by email in a zip archive.
Can't reserve more t ...
Category: Customer Support
I'll send you my files calendars.js and view-subject, where I've made some changes enabling time boxes even for daily reservation types.
Try testing them and tell me whether there are any errors inside 'em or whether they need some other changes to run properly. I'm stuck with this bug and I've to deliver this work whitin two weeks...
Can't reserve more t ...
Category: Customer Support
I'm sorry, maybe I misunderstood what you told me, but it doesnt depend neither to previous reservation made by the same account: I've just deleted it with its reservation, but the problem still remains... I just can't reserve anything at all. I tried also to restore the old
"view-subject.js" (that I had modified), but there's nothing to do...
Now I'll try to send you some more screenshots, so you can understand better what I'm experiencing.
How can I solve the 00:00 problem?
I've two reservation types:
normal fee that applies between 8-20 everyday
extra-time fee that applies between 20-24 and 00-08 everyday.
I just can set midnight as time in boxes (00:00): when I apply the settings the boxes with 00:00 turn empty.
I think that just it could be related to the impossibility to reserve objects, but I also set the quantities for each one, including parent objects.
I don't know anymore what I have to do...
I'm an IT university student, If you want I can collaborate with you in development of this extention as far as I can...
Can't reserve more t ...
Category: Customer Support
Only one action per user? I wouldn't to be rude, but... do you ever live in Wonderland?

I'm using this component for in the website of a tour and car rental agency: what I'd ever tell 'em when they'll notice that a customer who reserved a car two months ago can't reserve a trip the next one?

Actually I gave you €49, and now you're telling me that I have to re-implement the whole database due to your convinctions...

You didn't neither implement the multi-days reservation, but I've modified view-subjects.js in order to do that.

I just added the assignment timeDisabled=false in functions
setPriceReservationType() and setReservationType()... and it seems to work.

But, please, give users the possibility to do make more than one reservation in next versions.
Can't reserve more t ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi everyone. I noticed another trouble: since I reserved an object, I can't reserve any others with the same account. Is it a bug or just a bad setting?

Another problem I have is that I can't cancel a reservation within the frontend view: there is not any checkbox to select the reservations to be canceled.

Could you suggest me how to correct these errors?

Can't reserve more t ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi everyone. I noticed another trouble: since I reserved an object, I can't reserve any others with the same account. Is it a bug or just a bad setting?

Another problem I have is that I can't cancel a reservation within the frontend view: there is not any checkbox to select the reservations to be canceled.

Could you suggest me how to correct these errors?

Can't reserve more t ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi everyone. I noticed another trouble: since I reserved an object, I can't reserve any others with the same account. Is it a bug or just a bad setting?

Another problem I have is that I can't cancel a reservation within the frontend view: there is not any checkbox to select the reservations to be canceled.

Could you suggest me how to correct these errors?

Can't reserve more t ...
Category: Customer Support
I need just a few more documentation about the methods used and their calling sequence.
It seems that I had to revolution all the logic behind the component... if I knew what functions may be useful I could do these changes by myself, but I can't get enough informations by the code comments only...

Anyway, I suggest you to enable the time selecting text boxes even for daily types, but you should use the days rather than minutes as time unit for daily reservation types;
this way users will be able to set multi-days reservation types according to their own needs... I have to do the website for a car rental that manages multi-days fees (weekend, weekly, 2-weeks, month) whose price is less than that should result as the single days prices sum. (monthly.fee < daily.fee*30).
I think that this method should require less code modifications than creating and managing anymore RESERVATION_TYPE_* constants...
Not able to make res ...
Category: Community Support
please, could you add also a multiple-days reservation type in todo list?
I have to set daily, n-daily, weekly, n-weekly and monthly fees; i.e.:
- daily fee = x
- n-daily fee (lasting n<7 days) = x_2
- weekly fee (lasting 7 days) = y
- n-weekly fee (lasting n<4 weeks) = y_2
- month fee (lasting 30-31-28-29 days according by month) = z...
You should introduce also days, weeks and months as base unit rather than minutes in order to allow the maximum number of combinations as possible.
I tried to do it by myself, but I couldn't get your exact logical scheme.

I tried to modify defines.php, and the function bookingHelper::getCalendar() in admin/helpers/booking.php in order to support more reservation types, but I'm in very big trouble because I can't get the right sequence of function calls, and I think I should create some further methods, but I don't know where to start from.
Could you help me? I could collaborate with you if you want...
Not able to make res ...
Category: Community Support
I actually have buid this component, but it seems to be not useful for some aspects I will now explain:

At the time, it can manage only hourly and daily reservation types, but the car rental I'm building the site for admits two weekend fees, a weekly, a 2-weeks and a month fee, that appear they could not be directly manageable from this component.

I also tried to take a look at source code, but it's such a labyrinth of function and class call each other, even worse than Italian Laws Set (they are >300k and each one calls back at least over a hundred of other laws' articles and commas).

How can I add weekly and monthly fees to an object without loosing myself in that labyrinth? What functions and voices should I add in database and source code? What's the perverted logic that has been followed?
more reservation typ ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi ev'ryone.

I'm in trouble with frontend calendar on object details page.

When I try to make a reservation I can't select any day at all in the calendar, so I can't set checkin nor checkout dates at all.

There could it be a javascript problem, I suppose... or I just have to set something on object reservations?
Please, help me!!!

I just had to set price entries for the objects... But I've to set them according to the reserving period
i.e: the daytime fee is x, the weekend fee is y, the full week fee is z and one fee type excludes the other ones.
If I choose a week fee I would to select an entire week more than one single day and so on... but I think I should have to modify the code to have this feature...
[resolved] Can't sel ...
Category: Customer Support
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