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Profile for flamestone

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 06:27
  • Posts: 18
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Just found really bad bug while testing the free version of Booking (with the plan to purchase if all went well).

While logged in to the backend as Super Administrator, I created a new customer. Clicking save overwrote the Super Admin user with the new customer details I entered into the form.

Clicking save did return me to the list of customers, but the menu bar and toolbar buttons were completely hidden. But this seems minor compared to the user details being overwritten!
Urgent bug - creatin ...
Category: Community Support
Noticed new version over the weekend. Haven't had a chance to test yet, but am I right in assuming it fixes this bug I found?
VirtueMart ext prob ...
Category: Extensions
pavel wrote:
So you don't want a menuitem for virtuemart homepage?

Maybe later I will, but I certainly think there should be a choice. :)

pavel wrote:
I will look for bugs.

VirtueMart ext prob ...
Category: Extensions
Do you have a link elsewhere to the main default shop page? I experimented more and found scenarios where it would work by doing this.

But if I had just that link alone, she broke!
VirtueMart ext prob ...
Category: Extensions
Got it!

I've found what it's not happy with...

If you set either a Product ID or Category ID in the menu item (in "Parameters (Component)"), it doesn't like it.

For everything to work, if you have one or more virtuemart menu items, one needs to have just the default settings (ie. no IDs, flypage, etc set).

So how do we get that behaviour fixed?
VirtueMart ext prob ...
Category: Extensions
I think I may be onto something...

When I disabled the virtuemart main menu item that linked to my the shop category, and instead installed the virtuemart module (mod_virtuemart), a few differences are notice:

(btw, I purged all existing again after making that change, then refreshed the page)

- the SEF link to the category (based on it appearing in the module rather than the menu) is now "home/2009-collection" (I assume it picks "home" to append to since there's no virtuemart menu item anymore)

- the "Show Cart" link in the cart module is no longer replaced by a SEF URL (its just the standard "index.php?page=shop.cart&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=1")

- every product SEF URL is now "home/<productname>" instead of "category/<productname>"

- the "previous/next" product navigation links are now all getting the correct SEF URL

Most interestingly, the Prev/Next links and Show Cart link break again the moment I enable that virtuemart menu item.

Does that give you a hint as to what is going wrong?
VirtueMart ext prob ...
Category: Extensions
Oh ok. Only offered as I thought that would be quicker than trying to replicate in your own system.

Guess I'll just figure it out myself then.
VirtueMart ext prob ...
Category: Extensions
All default settings.

If you've got access to my email address as Moderator, then email me and I'll get you access to my test site so you can see for yourself.
VirtueMart ext prob ...
Category: Extensions
Yes I purge every single time, and I've turned off caching, just to make sure I'm seeing fresh.
VirtueMart ext prob ...
Category: Extensions
pavel wrote:
Ok, that's bad behavior, but SEF links (2009-collection/2009-collection-4?pop=0) are correct for you?

Not at all unfortunately. That should instead be <category>/<productname> given that it's the previous/next style navigation between products in a single category.
VirtueMart ext prob ...
Category: Extensions
Not sure what you mean.

Apologies that I don't understand more about how all this works. In the past it's just worked, so I haven't had to dig around trying to diagnose.
VirtueMart ext prob ...
Category: Extensions
flamestone wrote:
For the 3rd one:

"Previous product" link:
SEF: 2009-collection/2009-collection-4?pop=0
Real: index.php?page=shop.product_details&product_id=2&flypage=flypage.tpl&pop=0&manufacturer_id=1&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=2

"Next product" link:
SEF: 2009-collection/2009-collection-3?pop=0
Real: index.php?page=shop.product_details&product_id=1&flypage=flypage.tpl&pop=0&manufacturer_id=1&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=2

Let me correct myself...

Regarding the Real URLs above, that's what they should be. But I just realised that the JoomSEF URL Manager shows them as the following respectively:




(that is, the SEF URL resolves to the completely wrong page)
VirtueMart ext prob ...
Category: Extensions
For the 2nd one, that's more difficult to illustrate, but I'm certain you'll be able to replicate that if you're looking at a shop with the default sample products.

When a "child" product is chosen from the dropdown list (shown on the parent product flypage), it updates the page using AJAX, and I'm not sure how to show what the underlying HTML changes to after that update.
VirtueMart ext prob ...
Category: Extensions
For the 3rd one:

"Previous product" link:
SEF: 2009-collection/2009-collection-4?pop=0
Real: index.php?page=shop.product_details&product_id=2&flypage=flypage.tpl&pop=0&manufacturer_id=1&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=2

"Next product" link:
SEF: 2009-collection/2009-collection-3?pop=0
Real: index.php?page=shop.product_details&product_id=1&flypage=flypage.tpl&pop=0&manufacturer_id=1&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=2
VirtueMart ext prob ...
Category: Extensions
Here's the first one. Looks to be ignoring the "page=shop.cart" part of the URL.

In the standard cart module (mod_virtuemart_cart) it's replacing "index.php?page=shop.cart&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=2" with "2009-collection/2009-collection", which is actually the SEF URL for the menu item with URL "index.php?Itemid=2&option=com_virtuemart" (both menu and shop category are named "2009 Collection").
VirtueMart ext prob ...
Category: Extensions
Oops. Was looking at wrong site - was actually 1.5.13. But either way I had still missed a version (naughty me!).

Plus I see JoomSEF was updated yesterday, which I'd missed.

But alas, the problems still exist even after the upgrades.

The next/previous product links appear to be different SEF URLs, but still not working.
VirtueMart ext prob ...
Category: Extensions
Joomla: 1.5.10
JoomSEF: 3.3.3
VirtueMart: 1.1.3
VirtueMart SEF extension: 2.0.5
VirtueMart ext prob ...
Category: Extensions
Just bought JoomSEF + VirtueMart extension for a new site I'm building - as I've done several times before with previous versions - but I'm finding some issues with the SEF URLs this time.

1. "Show Cart" in the cart module is being given wrong SEF URL (shop only has one category, and one main menu link to that category, and the Show Cart lnk is being given that menu's SEF URL).

2. Lighbox image "popup" only works for parent product, but if I select child product from dropdown list it just shows the image normally.

3. Previous/Next product navigation does not work.

Please assist. Thanks in advance.

(If these are not known issues, PM/email me for sample website that demonstrates these issues.)
VirtueMart ext prob ...
Category: Extensions
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