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Profile for fischer_andreas

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 20:18
  • Posts: 6
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I am searching for a booking component, which enables only a one-day-booking.
I have an event on july 25. Customers shouldn´t be able to choose from a date, because the date is fix.

How can I do that?
Is Artio Booking the right tool for that?

Further, I want to regulate the number ob bookings. Each customer should be able to book only 3 seats. Not more.
Is this possible?

If this is possible, I would buy that component, because I have to register 100 seats (each seat is one item, right?)

Booking for only one ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions

Nobudy any idea?
Where are the php fi ...
Category: Community Support

does anybody know where I can edit the php files?

I want to change the popup window text and want to add some calculations.

After that, I want to change price calculation of the next form (where the customer can type in his name).

I can not find them. Language ini files are not good for this, because I want to change some price calculations.

I have added some supplements with prices, but that supplements should be multiplied by the days of booked item....

Supplements * booked days should be added to the total price.

Thanks for your help.
Where are the php fi ...
Category: Community Support

I have the problem, that I need to set up a bookit page with two rooms.

The first room, the superior room, can be booked by calendar. Depending on date, the prices are different (6 different prices a year).
Depending on the number of persons in the room, the price is different. Each additional person (2 to 4 persons) costs 6 Euro more. The room itself with the first person is 54 Euro.
E.G. The room is 54 and two persons are 60 (!) Euros. The first person is included in room price.

The second room is easyer to configer: Room price, depending on date. No additional price per person.

How can I do this in BookIt?

Note: BBcode and smileys are still usable.
Diff. prices for a r ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions

I have the problem, that I need to set up a bookit page with two rooms.

The first room, the superior room, can be booked by calendar. Depending on date, the prices are different (6 different prices a year). Depending on the number of persons in the room, the price is different. Each additional person costs 6 Euro more. The room itself with the first person is 54 Euro.
E.G. The room is 54 and two persons are 60 (!) Euros. The first person is included in room price.

The second room is easyer to configer: Room price, depending on date. No additional price per person.

How can I do this in BookIt?
Room reservation wit ...
Category: Community Support
I installed Artio Booking at --> Service --> Beamerverleih

I wish to provide a beamer booking frontend. Some questions about that:

- I want the customer to check if he needs a projection-whiteboard (the right word in english?) additional to the beamer.
If the customer checks yes, the fee should increase the number of days, 5Euro each day. (e.g.)

- the additional check yes/no should be visible after the main-part of the beamer

- Booking is not possible after all. I am not able to select a time.

- I want to display if the beamer is available at a given time. Menas, if the beamer is booked, it should be "no available"..

And I have some CSS questions, but this is not the hardest part. First I want to run the component.

Thanks for help
Some questions with ...
Category: Booking
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