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Profile for escalona

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 17:42
  • Posts: 9
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I again take the ticket, because I think it is better to work JoomSEF to have 2 autoacciones in CB.
1st question:
autoaccion CB creates meta description whenever a pag generated. JoomSEF creates meta description for that url and save it. Is this so?
2nd question:
JoomSEF does not work with metas for CB profile.
See capture settings. Of course I updated meta tags
CB extension, Profil ...
Category: Extensions
In that case either the value of the field is empty or it is of unsupported type.

It is an ​​text area field.
Is not empty

I'm sorry, I don't understand your question.

I mean if you think acceptable solution with CB plugin autoactions or better try the solution with joomsef extension
CB extension, Profil ...
Category: Extensions
Hello again
I found an alternative solution that is through a autoaccion of code in the header with plugin autoaccions CB.
However, your problem and what questions before the answer is that JoomSEF generates meta description and key words but forgetting the CB field} {cb_xxxx}
You can see on screens

With CB plugin auto action writing metas in header is created before displaying user profile
The result is similar to search engines with this autoaccion CB or should use of JoomSEF?
CB extension, Profil ...
Category: Extensions
submit screens,
CB extension, Profil ...
Category: Extensions
Thanks for responding.
I have done what you say, but continues to appear the meta description conf general Joomla
CB extension, Profil ...
Category: Extensions
joomsef v. 4.5.1
joomsef ext CB v. 3.0.3
CB v. 1.9.1
CB extension, Profil ...
Category: Extensions
I can not create the meta descriptions.
Any help please.
Shipping screens
CB extension, Profil ...
Category: Extensions
Joomla! 2.5.17
joomSEF: v 4.5.1
ext. Artio CB: v 3.0.2
CB: v 1.9.1
CB Paid Subscriptions: v 3.0.0
Community Builder: c ...
Category: Extensions
I have a problem with your paid extension for Community Builder:
Everything works correctly except when a user wants to update to a top plan.
Of that time I receive a message of Joomla system who says Id. not found.
I use also a web of tests in localhost. In this local web the problem has been solved by this configuration:
Custom non-SEF variables: pluginclass?user
Nevertheless with this configuration the problem persists in public host.
Can it help me?
Thank you.

(I have not very clear if I use this forum: I bought your payment extension for Community Builder)
Thank you
Community Builder: c ...
Category: Extensions
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