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Profile for dyvymtvar

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I tried to set Handling to "Default joomla router" in K2 parameters on JoomSEF's Manage Extensions page and it don't works.

Finally I bought the K2 extension for JoomSEF and now it works so I can confirm that the extension works with K2 mart.

Thanks a lot for your help dajo.
Multilanguage config ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
I tried it and these are the three posibilities and their results.

- Disabling the "Adds Suffix to URL" it works.

- Set the "File suffix" option to .html and "Adds Suffix to URL enabled doesn't work.

- Disabling the "Adds Suffix to URL" and setting the "File suffix" option to .html it works.

Now the URL's are like I want to eliminate "-2?lang=es"

Can this be done because it is a K2 article? It is necesary the k2 plugin to improve the articles url's generated by k2mart? Can I install the K2 plugin in a joomsef free version?

And the last one Is there a Spanish translation?
Multilanguage config ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
The 404 error appear after setting up the language options. If I disable the language management the error disappear and I can browse the entire page but it shows all the modules, menus, etc.

There is a 404 error in all the page. If I enable the language management I can't access to the page.

I've been testing some settings and this is what I have seen.
- If I enable language management and I go to Manage SEF urls and disable SEF for the es and the en url's then the page shows but I have an url like this: I don't want it.

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Multilanguage config ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions

I'm using joomla 2.5.8 multilanguage site with virtuemart 2.0.12, k2 2.6.2 and k2 mart 2.0.2 (I have already managed my menus according to the languages implemented within my website and related subsequent items/articles and modules). The k2 url's aren't so much friendly so I thought about using joomsef for improvement.

I downloaded the free version of joomsef to try it and now I have a 404 error.

I disabled the joomla language filter, enable the joomsef language management and set up the Main Language into spanish (wich is the default site language)
Multilanguage config ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
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