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Profile for Dtorr1981

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
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  • Posts: 4
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I logged this with support and got the following response. I hope this helps.

The settings to add local country code to phone numbers work only for messages sent to phone numbers from VirtueMart orders automatically. If you send the SMS manually from the Control Panel, you need to enter the complete phone number including the country code, for example 4407#########.

Configuration for th ...
Category: VM SMS
mitk wrote:

As regards affiliate programme - you shouldn´t use your own affiliate account for your own products purchasing. Affiliate programme should serve for visitors of your website.

In that case, as per my original question, are there discounts for multiple license purchases?

Joomsef 4 - Addition ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
Hi Guys, I was hoping you can provide some information regarding additional licensing and server licensing?

Firstly, are there any discounts for purchasing additional licences? Would it be better to use my affiliate link to do this? How much is a server licence, are you able to provide a link to the server licensing details? I have searched but cannot find the information i am looking for directly.

Best Regards
Joomsef 4 - Addition ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
Hi All,

I have tried to use the send text from the dashboard to test my installation but i keep getting the error:

(114) Unknown recipient phone number (missing country code?)

I have selected my country code as United Kingdom (44) and have tried various numbers in the box titled 'Add local country code to numbers with digits less than or equal to:' but cannot seem to get it to send. Uk Numbers are in the format 07### ### ###, thus i have tried using all values from 9 to 12 in this dropdown, cleared the cache after every change and attempted to send the test message, but still i'm getting the error? The logs show the number as 7### ### ### without the leading 0. What am i doing wrong here?

24.03.2016 11:18:13 SMS Error (114) Unknown recipient phone number (missing country code?) 749345#### 0.00
24.03.2016 11:17:51 SMS Error (114) Unknown recipient phone number (missing country code?) 749345#### 0.00
24.03.2016 11:16:35 SMS Error (114) Unknown recipient phone number (missing country code?) 749345#### 0.00

I have read the documentation and looked at the example for the czech number, and even looked up the number format to compare it, but im baffled?

Please help.
Best Regards
Configuration for th ...
Category: VM SMS
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