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Profile for drsassafras

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 20:08
  • Posts: 6
  • Profile Views: 4776
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I would like to request the following features:

*When A doc is uploaded or changed, I would like to be able to notify a usergorup. This might be configured first in the configuration options, and then perhaps an override set per-category. Just one set in the config options would satisfy my needs.

*Default listing order configuration per "Category" So, if I want one document type alphabetical and one newest first and another newest last, I can do that.

*Finally, it would be super amazing if JoomDoc would be able to integrate its usergroups into CB's lists. So, My CB lists appear as usergroups in JoomDoc!

Thanks for the great app.

Dr. Sassafras
Feature Requests
Category: JoomDOC
I have a further update to help with formatting the module. The images displayed are now a part of the li instead of placed after them. This removes the redundant and annoying li bullet when the image bullets are present. It also frees up space :)

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mod_latestadded Patc ...
Category: JoomDOC
I have a patch here to allow the mod_joomdoc_latestadded module to show only unpublished or unapproved documents.

I have also updated the naming (as the module is sometimes called mod_joomdoc_latestdown

I have updated the version numbering.

Please note, this module will only work with the joomdoc DOCMAN_utils.class.php file updated with the one I have attached.

All defaults are set to normal. User Permissions observed in programming.

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mod_latestadded Patc ...
Category: JoomDOC
Zipped it this time... no error, but it looks like it strips php files.

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Standard Buttons Upd ...
Category: JoomDOC
Here is the new code to fix an error in the standard buttons that causes a php error on the page that the joomdoc modules are used.
Standard Buttons Upd ...
Category: JoomDOC
I have been trying to modify this plugin, which is really the best way to link docman files with docman. Hoping to have it for joomdoc. This is a plugin for JCE Advanced Linker. (a plugin of a plugin funny eah)

I have made much headway, but have run into a road block. I have gone over each line of code step by step and am missing something.... is the original

I have attached what I have so far. I am sure what is missing is something small. I am connecting to the config file, I think I have checked all the function, constant & class names. etc.

I am sure a expert eye on what has changed since 1.4 could see where the update is needed. I have tried to follow all the class references back, but must be missing something.

Please help.

Dr. Sassafras

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JCE Advanced Doclink
Category: JoomDOC
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