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Profile for drbarnet

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 17:58
  • Posts: 10
  • Profile Views: 5762
  • Location: Unknown
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What's next? Are you waiting on me? Do I need to contact someone?
Integration with RMS ...
Category: B2Sync
Have purchased the Support Order # 20700
Integration with RMS ...
Category: B2Sync
Are you still in business? I haven't heard from you in over a week.

I need a response of some sort.
Integration with RMS ...
Category: B2Sync
Waiting to hear from you - when can we get started? I need to get this project off my plate.

Integration with RMS ...
Category: B2Sync
I am ready for you to get started - how do we proceed from here?

Integration with RMS ...
Category: B2Sync
I expected that. Please give me an estimate for your services.

I have already purchased the B2Sync component - order # 20277

Integration with RMS ...
Category: B2Sync
I asked our RMS vendor the following questions for your information. The answers follow each question. Let me know if this changes your quote in any way.

1. Where does the xml file need to be exported to?
It can be anywhere as long as it is accessible over http
2. I'm thinking that an every 2 hour schedule will be plenty fast enough for this shopping cart. Is that OK with your setup?
Yes. Please make sure the file is continually updates with new orders
3. Are there any other qualifications for the xml file that might need to be addressed? (multiple items on order, etc.)
As long as you have separate line items for each item in the same order, it will be ok.
Integration with RMS ...
Category: B2Sync
Here is a sample xml file from my RMS Integration vendor.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8" ?>
<WebOrders NumberOfOrders="1">
<Order id="177">
<AddressInfo type="ship">
<Full>jagdish k</Full>
<Address1>test add</Address1>
<Address2>test add2</Address2>
<City>test city</City>
<Email> Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spambots geschützt! Du musst JavaScript aktivieren, damit Du sie sehen kannst. </Email>
<AddressInfo type="bill">
<Full>jagdish k</Full>
<Address1>test add</Address1>
<City>test city</City>
<Email> Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spambots geschützt! Du musst JavaScript aktivieren, damit Du sie sehen kannst. </Email>
<Shipping>Free Shipping: 0</Shipping>
<CreditCard type="Visa" expiration="1210">4111111111111111</CreditCard>
<Comments>Internet order from jagdish k</Comments>
<Item num="0">
<Description>Comic Book</Description>
<Line name="Subtotal" type="Subtotal">8.99</Line>
<Line name="Shipping" type="Shipping">0</Line>
<Line name="Tax" type="Tax">0</Line>
<Line name="Total" type="Total">8.99</Line>
<WebComment>Internet Order from jagdish k</WebComment>
Integration with RMS ...
Category: B2Sync
So does ARTIO do custom implementation? I need to coordinate an xml file that is usable by my RMS implementation vendor.
Integration with RMS ...
Category: B2Sync
I am looking for a way to export XML to a service that integrates into Microsoft RMS POS.

I have located RMSLink which will handle the import from an XML file.

B2Sync looks like a good way to automate an xml file of orders from the Virtuemart Shopping cart.

Does it also export the Credit Card information. This client processes their transactions locally on their POS.

Integration with RMS ...
Category: B2Sync
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