Hi Dajo,
Look at some info about VM2 canonical link generation. On it´s code it´s perfectly divided in each view it´s creation. So I´ve disabled it only on product details pages.
I write the hack in VM2 code for product details pages
Go to /components/com_virtuemart/views/productdetails/view.html.php
On lines 207 and 208 (on my VM2 version) you´ll find the lines
// Set Canonic link
$document->addHeadLink($product->canonical, 'canonical', 'rel', '');
Just comment the second line so the Canonical link will be not added. Then all canonical links of product pages will be controled just by JoomSef. And when I type in JoomSef Url an especific Canonical link it´s not doubled :D
For example in www.gasfriocalor.com/aire-acondicionado-daikin-tx25jv
Dajo, what problem do you think it´s happening in view-source: www.gasfriocalor.com/foro? That one it´s just a Joomla2.5 menú button pointing to Kunena Forum
Please let me know where to look in order to solve this doubled canonical link ;)
I thank you in advance for your soonest answer.
Best regards,
Canonical link doubl ...
Posted 10 years, 10 months ago
by danimateu
The only thing I´ve installed regarding URLs, Meta-tags, it´s Artio JoomSef. Actually before NO canonical link was generated.
When looking for this (how to gestionate canonical links) I´ve supposed that your component would be just great due for sure u thought about that already. So then is when in JoomSef configuration I´ve found the option "Automatic canonical link generation" that I had on "no" and I´ve changed to "yes".
From that moment canonical links appeared on the web and was just great due it´s just what I was looking for.
But, of course I have products that are REALLY similar to others so I need to change the canonical link that JoomSef was generating by default, so then is when I entered on some URLs an especific canocial link. The result is that canonical links are doubled.
Dajo, your paid help (I´ve already used it for an issue regarding VM component and was just great!!).
But now, please, if you need access to the backoffice in order to check let me know how to send it to you. If you find a component/plugin generating Canonical links beside JoomSef I´ll transfer you 50€, if not please let me know a solution ;)
I´ll be expeting your soonest news.
Best regards,
Canonical link doubl ...
Posted 10 years, 11 months ago
by danimateu
I´m using Joomla 2.5 (not Joomla3).
On my web server /plugins/system/sef/sef.php do not exist the line $doc->addHeadLink(htmlspecialchars($link), 'canonical');
Please, let me know.
Best regards,
Canonical link doubl ...
Posted 10 years, 11 months ago
by danimateu
I´m facing the following problem in two different situations:
- When entering canonical link on JoomSef "Manage SEF URLs" the result I have on source code is two canonical links; the one of the URLs itself + the one I´ve entered. Please check www.gasfriocalor.com/aire-acondicionado-...ural-comfort-e-3-5kw
- And this one is exeptional and I just don´t understand due it´s just a Joomla´s menu button pointing to KuneaForum. Please check http://www.gasfriocalor.com/foro
as I already know you have a great support, I already thank you in advance for your soonest and great help :)
If you need to check backoffice let me know where to send you a superuser access.
Best regards,
Canonical link doubl ...
Posted 10 years, 11 months ago
by danimateu
Hi Dajo,
Thanks for the reply!
My problem in that on that field you´re telling me right now I have the value "virtuemart_manufacturer_id=" due that´s another option I need.
How do I enter a second value in order to do not sef also "error=404"?? I´ve tried using colon "," but then none of both options for do not sef urls are not working and the I have a mess on my urls :P
Thanks in advance for your help and tips!!
VM2 how to not sef 4 ...
Posted 10 years, 11 months ago
by danimateu
How can I do in order that Virtuemart 2 urls like index.php?option=com_virtuemart&error=404&view=category&virtuemart_category_id=57 are not SEF??
This urls are generated by Virtuemart when you access a product is eliminated or despublish. This happens due we have product pages that are cached by Google, then we despublish the product (coz we don´t sell it anymore) and when searching on Google it shows it on his results and when clicking VM is redirecting to the correct category where the product was showing it doesn´t exist more + it´s 404 message.
The problem is that this url with the &error=404 it´s stored by JoomSef and then it´s meta-tags are showed in this page instead the ones of the URL withouht the variable &error=404
Finally the caused issue it´s bad SEO for this URLs that are generated with the error=404
Thanks for your help!!! :)
Best regards,
VM2 how to not sef 4 ...
Posted 10 years, 11 months ago
by danimateu
So, as said I turned off Joomsef cache (still do not know why I should do that due for it to work Joomla´s cache must be active too, and I thought it would just offer better server´s time response).
All week been fine but just today (20/03/2014) the problem appeard again :(
I´ve emptied the cache and problem has been solved, but it will be temporarly.....
Please check and let me know a.s.a.p. due it´s affecting negativetly on our SEO´s due Google is indexing pages that are identical (so bad + less products indexing due it´s links can´t be crawled)
If you need backoffice access, please provide me and email address where I can send it to you ;)
Best regards,
virtuemart2 paginati ...
Posted 10 years, 12 months ago
by danimateu
I was having both activated :P
I´ve disabled JoomSEF´s cache and will expirience with it for the next 24hours. I´ll be back to you letting u know if that solved the problem or not in order to have further info.
virtuemart2 paginati ...
Posted 11 years ago
by danimateu
Please check www.gasfriocalor.com
We have a cache time of 12hours... and we´re facing the problem with the Virtuemart pagination :(
Sometimes when pages are cached the pagination links doesn´t work correctly. So for example I might click on page 2 and allways shows the content of page1... or I might click on page 3 and shows me the content of page 2...
Do not know what´s the issue, but on the end is that when pages are cached, some of them (I do not find any logic pattern about it) just do not show the correct content of the pagination.
Please help due that´s causing a LOT of confusion to our customers.
...indeed with cache turned off we do not have such a problem... and when facing this problem we clean cache and everything works fine, but the problem quickly appear on other pages randomly :(
I´ll be awaiting for your soonest reply and help.
best regards,
Dani Mateu
virtuemart2 paginati ...
Posted 11 years ago
by danimateu
Solved! After purging URLs the problem has been fixed!!
Anyway maybe the developer team have to take a look due it´s weird that if you do not pugue your URLs then all the 301 that you have made stop working.
Best regards,
301 not working afte ...
Posted 11 years, 10 months ago
by danimateu
301 not working afte ...
Posted 11 years, 10 months ago
by danimateu
Hi Dajo,
I did not had the script /libraries/joomla/installer/adapters/sef_ext.php
What I did is download it from another site where I also have JoomSef and upload it to the other site. The problem has been solved and I´ve been able to install the extension correctly.
Thanks for your help!
problem installing e ...
Posted 12 years, 6 months ago
by danimateu
I did so and I get the error you see in the picture I send attached. Looks llike when with the old Joomla1.5 you was missing the .xml file inside the .zip
I never saw this error with the instalation. But it only happened with this JoomSef Extension, JoomSef component and all the rest has been perfectly installed.
Please let me know what can I do.
Thanks for your help ;-)
problem installing e ...
Posted 12 years, 6 months ago
by danimateu
When I want to install an extension in JoomSEF4 I was used to go to Components -> Artio JoomSEF -> Manage Extensions and then push the toolbar button "install". After that was apearing the JoomSEF page to upload the .zip file with the extension.
I do not know what happend that right now when I click this button I get redirected to administrator/index.php?option=com_installer wich is the Joomla installation page. So I just can´t install the extension.
The weird thing is that in the site I´m working I already have installed extensions (the Virtuemart extension) but now I can´t install more extensions due the problem explained avobe.
Please help me out! How do I do now to install extensions?? There´s any other way to install the JoomSef extensions?? I did not change any configuration in the last 4 months.....
I thank you in advance for your help
problem installing e ...
Posted 12 years, 6 months ago
by danimateu
I just bought for the domain www.tuinformatica.com/test (that´s the testing url) a JomSef4 component + VM2 extension
I have the 2 following errors:
- Virtuemart pages -> I get this error after cleaning the cache Warning: array_reverse() [function.array-reverse]: The argument should be an array in /home/admin/domains/tuinformatica.com/public_html/test/components/com_sef/sef_ext/com_virtuemart.php on line 819
- 404 -> It allways goes to the home page. I have activated to show the 404 custom page. But still keeps going to the homepge...
Please help!!!
jomsef4+virtuemart2e ...
Posted 12 years, 9 months ago
by danimateu
Another question.
The default language of my site is Spanish. So JoomSef uses www.planetate.es/es for all the content in the main language.
There´s a posibility of to do not show the language in the url for all the contents done with the main language?
Thanks in advance for your help :-)
Problem with languag ...
Posted 12 years, 11 months ago
by danimateu
Dajo, I might been smoking too much lately. Problem solved! It was a mistake of mine :-)
Problem with languag ...
Posted 12 years, 11 months ago
by danimateu
Hi Dajo,
After disabling Joomla Language Filter plugin the tab "language" in the JoomSEF´s appeared (before with the joomla plugin enabled this option wasn´t visible)
Right now the JoomSEF´s language option is set to Yes and I´m still facing the same problem. When changing language the content of the article changes but the rest of modules doesn´t.
Do not know why but when updating the JoomSEF urls once I saw some Virtuemart urls changing correctly, but when doing the urls update again nothing was working at all again.
Please let me know what can be the problem coz otherwise I´m not gonna have a multilanguage store....
Use the access I gave you to access to the backend area if necessary to check the configurations.
Thanks in advance for all your help
Problem with languag ...
Posted 12 years, 11 months ago
by danimateu
well... to go faster I entered an easy login and pass to get access to the front end and back end.
user -> admin
pass -> admin
I have copy from the hole joomla scripts + bbdd, but I hope nobody goes to make some damage :-)
I left the JomSEF4 enabled so everybody can check the error when changing languages (the content is translated but not the menu and module in left side).
I the JomSEF4 is disabled it works correctly (but with ugly urls)
Problem with languag ...
Posted 12 years, 11 months ago
by danimateu
I´m finishing the project you can see on planetate.es (right now it´s closed but if you can give a way to give you the user and password so you can go in and check what I am saying).
The problem is that when JoomSef4 it´s enabled, if you click on the language selector the content appears translated but not any menú or module.
PLEASE GIVE ME URGENT HELP! It´s the first time I try JoomSef4 on a Joomla 2.5 +Virtuemart2
Problem with languag ...
Posted 12 years, 11 months ago
by danimateu
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