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i found it thanks!!!


when i tried to save i have the following error

500 - An error has occurred.

TableExtension::store failed - Unknown column 'filters' in 'field list' SQL=UPDATE `jos_sefexts` SET `id`='4',`title`='',`filters`='',`params`='pagination=0\nmultipagetitles=1\nguessId=0\ncompatibility=0\nshow_category=1\nshow_section=1\ntitle_alias=global\ncategory_alias=global\nsection_alias=global\nadd_layout=2\ndef_layout=default\ngooglenewsnum=0\ndigits=3\ndateformat=ddmm\niddatesep=\niddateorder=0\nnumberpos=1\nmeta_titlecat=0\nmeta_desc=1\ndesc_len=150\nmeta_keys=1\nkeys_minlen=3\nkeys_count=8\nblacklist=a, able, about, above, abroad, according, accordingly, across, actually, adj, after, afterwards, again, against, ago, ahead, ain\'t, all, allow, allows, almost, alone, along, alongside, already, also, although, always, am, amid, amidst, among, amongst, an, and, another, any, anybody, anyhow, anyone, anything, anyway, anyways, anywhere, apart, appear, appreciate, appropriate, are, aren\'t, around, as, a\'s, aside, ask, asking, associated, at, available, away, awfully, b, back, backward, backwards, be, became, because, become, becomes, becoming, been, before, beforehand, begin, behind, being, believe, below, beside, besides, best, better, between, beyond, both, brief, but, by, c, came, can, cannot, cant, can\'t, caption, cause, causes, certain, certainly, changes, clearly, c\'mon, co, co., com, come, comes, concerning, consequently, consider, considering, contain, containing, contains, corresponding, could, couldn\'t, course, c\'s, currently, d, dare, daren\'t, definitely, described, despite, did, didn\'t, different, directly, do, does, doesn\'t, doing, done, don\'t, down, downwards, during, e, each, edu, eg, eight, eighty, either, else, elsewhere, end, ending, enough, entirely, especially, et, etc, even, ever, evermore, every, everybody, everyone, everything, everywhere, ex, exactly, example, except, f, fairly, far, farther, few, fewer, fifth, first, five, followed, following, follows, for, forever, former, formerly, forth, forward, found, four, from, further, furthermore, g, get, gets, getting, given, gives, go, goes, going, gone, got, gotten, greetings, h, had, hadn\'t, half, happens, hardly, has, hasn\'t, have, haven\'t, having, he, he\'d, he\'ll, hello, help, , hence, her, here, hereafter, hereby, herein, here\'s, hereupon, hers, herself, he\'s, hi, him, himself, his, hither, hopefully, how, howbeit, however, hundred, i, i\'d, ie, if, ignored, i\'ll, i\'m, immediate, in, inasmuch, inc, inc., indeed, indicate, indicated, indicates, inner, inside, insofar, instead, into, inward, is, isn\'t, it, it\'d, it\'ll, its, it\'s, itself, i\'ve, j, just, k, keep, keeps, kept, know, known, knows, l, last, lately, later, latter, latterly, least, less, lest, let, let\'s, like, liked, likely, likewise, little, look, looking, looks, low, lower, ltd, m, made, mainly, make, makes, many, may, maybe, mayn\'t, me, mean, meantime, meanwhile, merely, might, mightn\'t, mine, minus, miss, more, moreover, most, mostly, mr, mrs, much, must, mustn\'t, my, myself, n, name, namely, nd, near, nearly, necessary, need, needn\'t, needs, neither, never, neverf, neverless, nevertheless, new, next, nine, ninety, no, nobody, non, none, nonetheless, noone, no-one, nor, normally, not, nothing, notwithstanding, novel, now, nowhere, o, obviously, of, off, often, oh, ok, okay, old, on, once, one, ones, one\'s, only, onto, opposite, or, other, others, otherwise, ought, oughtn\'t, our, ours, ourselves, out, outside, over, overall, own, p, particular, particularly, past, per, perhaps, placed, please, plus, possible, presumably, probably, provided, provides, q, que, quite, qv, r, rather, rd, re, really, reasonably, recent, recently, regarding, regardless, regards, relatively, respectively, right, round, s, said, same, saw, say, saying, says, second, secondly, , see, seeing, seem, seemed, seeming, seems, seen, self, selves, sensible, sent, serious, seriously, seven, several, shall, shan\'t, she, she\'d, she\'ll, she\'s, should, shouldn\'t, since, six, so, some, somebody, someday, somehow, someone, something, sometime, sometimes, somewhat, somewhere, soon, sorry, specified, specify, specifying, still, sub, such, sup, sure, t, take, taken, taking, tell, tends, th, than, thank, thanks, thanx, that, that\'ll, thats, that\'s, that\'ve, the, their, theirs, them, themselves, then, thence, there, thereafter, thereby, there\'d, therefore, therein, there\'ll, there\'re, theres, there\'s, thereupon, there\'ve, these, they, they\'d, they\'ll, they\'re, they\'ve, thing, things, think, third, thirty, this, thorough, thoroughly, those, though, three, through, throughout, thru, thus, till, to, together, too, took, toward, towards, tried, tries, truly, try, trying, t\'s, twice, two, u, un, under, underneath, undoing, unfortunately, unless, unlike, unlikely, until, unto, up, upon, upwards, us, use, used, useful, uses, using, usually, v, value, various, versus, very, via, viz, vs, w, want, wants, was, wasn\'t, way, we, we\'d, welcome, well, we\'ll, went, were, we\'re, weren\'t, we\'ve, what, whatever, what\'ll, what\'s, what\'ve, when, whence, whenever, where, whereafter, whereas, whereby, wherein, where\'s, whereupon, wherever, whether, which, whichever, while, whilst, whither, who, who\'d, whoever, whole, who\'ll, whom, whomever, who\'s, whose, why, will, willing, wish, with, within, without, wonder, won\'t, would, wouldn\'t, x, y, yes, yet, you, you\'d, you\'ll, your, you\'re, yours, yourself, yourselves, you\'ve, z, zero\nnumberDuplicates=2\nautoCanonical=2\nignoreSource=2\nitemid=0\noverrideId=\nignoreItemids=\nuseSitename=1\ncustomSitename=\npageLimit=\nhandling=0\nshowMenuTitle=1\ncustomMenuTitle=\ncustomNonSef=\nstopRule=\ndownloadId=\nacceptVars=\nacceptStrict=0\nvarFilterFail=
Joomsef 3.8.2 does n ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi there,

my paid Joomsef 3.8.2 does not include section names on URLs and i can not find the any option
to enable it as it was on the older version i used

can anyone help me? It is very important to keep the same urls on my website

thanks in advance
Joomsef 3.8.2 does n ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi 24 hours but did not get any answer,

did i do anything wrong? Could anyone tell me where can i get any answer?

I thought that clients had answers in this forum..

Remove Joomla SEF UR ...
Category: Extensions
Hello i use joomla 1.0 and after the latest update to my Joomsef Component from 2.2.7 to 2.3.4 a Joomla SEF URLs by Artio appeared on the footer of every article of my website.

Can you tell me how can i remove it? Also if i have to purchase a licence for this update could you tell me the steps one by one? I only to need to get this link removed asap

thanks in advance

im waiting for your reply!!!
Remove Joomla SEF UR ...
Category: Extensions

as i was changing some urls in

Joomsef / View/Edit SEF Urls

and everything seemed to be fine, suddenle i had the following error:

DB function failed with error number 1064
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '/prosopika ORDER BY `oldurl` LIMIT 0,50' at line 1 SQL=SELECT * FROM jos_redirection WHERE `newurl` != '' AND `Itemid` = /prosopika ORDER BY `oldurl` LIMIT 0,50

and now everytime i try to access View/Edit SEF Urls i get this error

can anyone help me with this?

i do not know what to do..

thank you all in advance
Joomsef: DB function ...
Category: Extensions

my webadmin used a demo or what version of joomsef on my website and i have meta advertisments.
My website has more than 1000 articles and all of them are indexed in the big search engines.

I want to ask you if there is any way to update my demo Joosef with the new original version i've already purchased without losing my old sef urls or creating any dublicated..

It is very important for me to take 0% risk of this upgrade.

Can anyone help me?

Thanks anyway!
Category: JoomSEF 3
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