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Profile for coral_artio

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
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  • Posts: 20
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This setting you proposed "Joomla Global Configuration/Permissions/Access Administration Interface/Allowed" gives the Manager access to all Administration interface.

It is not satisfactory because we want to allow the Manager to access ONLY the ARTIO BOOKING Component.
All other Joomla Components achieve this by setting Permissions through their specific Configuration settings and not through Global Configuration.
Manager cannot acces ...
Category: Customer Support
Yes, we have. It's mentioned first thing in our comment.
Manager cannot acces ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi, we have defined a user as Global Manager from Artio Booking. The user belongs to group "Manager" in Joomla Users & group "Manager" is set to all "Allowed" in ARTIO BooKing / Options / Permissions.

When this Manager logins to Joomla Administration the Menu Components does not show the Component "ARTIO Booking". Only the Super User can see the Component in this Menu.

How should we set the Manager in order to have access to the Component?
Manager cannot acces ...
Category: Customer Support
I'm sorry but we cannot deploy a buggy system. At least give us some hints on how to make the corrections by ourselves.
Profile Edit Error
Category: Customer Support
Hi, it's been more than 20 days since I first reported this bug. Don' t you think you should have provided a solution by now?
Profile Edit Error
Category: Customer Support
"Edit Customer" is allowed
"View Customers" is allowed
Now, after the js alert window closes, a "Customer List" page appears.

1) The system never returns to the Profile page for the user to make corrections!!
2) The "Customer List" shows active links to all Customer Names & User Names. All of these links are wrong because they redirect to the logged in user's page. The only correct link is mail-to.
Profile Edit Error
Category: Customer Support
I' m sorry but the problem has NOT been solved. As I mention above the error message “You are not authorized to view this resource” on a blank screen is still there!
Profile Edit Error
Category: Customer Support
Hi, in your support email you mentioned that "Error during profile editing can provide "Permissions" option "Edit customer". It seems OK now."

But the problem is still there. Edit customer is set to "Allowed" but if a required field is left blank then the js alert screen shows correctly, but after we hit OK then a blank screen appears with the error message “You are not authorized to view this resource”.
Profile Edit Error
Category: Customer Support
OK, I managed to set Reservation Expiration & the booking is not cancelled anymore.

But regarding the calendar I have no solution yet.
If you have a look at the very first entry on this topic you will see images of the calendar where times do not display correctly plus Saturday & Sunday still display even if they are disabled.
If you insist it' s only a matter of configuration let me know how to configure them correctly.
Hourly Bookings - Fr ...
Category: Customer Support
coral_artio wrote:
Front-End errors:
I face various problems with hourly bookings so I created 2 items trying to see what is wrong. Both items belong to a new template & a new Category which are like the Hockey sample.
The first item named "Gaia" is a new item. The second item named "Gaia b" is a copy of the sample item "Hockey 1".
Both items have same settings ie. Type = Hourly, Time unit = 30, From = 08:00, To = 21:00, Day Availability = Mo - Fr

The problem is that while the copied item displays correctly (besides the fact that Sat & Sun titles still show up), the new item is wrong both in item list & in item detail:
The new item for Mon displays hours 08:00 to 24:00, for Tue, Wed & Thu hours 00:00 to 24:00 and for Friday hours 00:00 to 21:00.

Also even if in global config, "Week Starts on" is set to Monday, the calendar shows Sunday first.

Back-End errors:
Reservation expiration, no matter the new setting, always turns to “online payment only” after item save. This is true for all sample & new items alike.

Hello, your replies do not help. I' m referring to the above 2 bugs reported on Jan. 27.
Since I cannot wait for the next release I propose the following:

I' m willing to manually correct the DB because I need to test the booking process. Can you tell me the table / field / value to change so that "Reservation expiration" becomes disabled?

I would also appreciate it if you can send me the corrections regarding calendar display as soon as you fix the bug.
Hourly Bookings - Fr ...
Category: Customer Support
I noticed another issue with back-end reservations. The admin reservation screen shows all Customer details no matter the config settings and also Pricing details even if "Without Prices" is selected.

Also I have a question regarding front-end reservations. Is it possible to have extra input fields like the "Message" field that will be configurable per template?
Hourly Bookings - Fr ...
Category: Customer Support
vebi wrote:

it will be fixed in the next version that we have a plan to release by the end of this week.

I' m afraid I cannot wait that long since I have a commitment to my customer & it' s already been 8 days since I reported the bug.

I' m willing to manually correct the DB because I need to test the booking process. Can you tell me the table / field / value to change so that "Reservation expiration" becomes disabled?

I would also appreciate it if you can send me the corrections regarding calendar display as soon as you fix the bug.
Hourly Bookings - Fr ...
Category: Customer Support
jitr wrote:
Hello you should disable all payment methods.

ΟΚ, thanks. This solved the problem.

How about the basic errors (Calendar display of days & hours and Reservation expiration). Have you made in progress in solving these bugs?
Hourly Bookings - Fr ...
Category: Customer Support
jitr wrote:
Hello, we cannot imagine it. Please add here a screenshot.

Hi, the screenshots follow. If I may add, it seems there is a problem with caching because some settings take too long (sometimes days) to be in effect.

Step 1. Select hours to book. Total Price shows at bottom:

Step 2. Confirm reservation. Input fields & payment method shown:

Step 3. Reservation detail. Payment method, price & invoice shown:

Admin setting "Without Prices"

Hourly Bookings - Fr ...
Category: Customer Support
vebi wrote:

go to the configuration/prices/using pricies/without prices

Hi, even though "Prices" is set to "without prices" & "Customer has to Login or Register Before Reserving" is set to "Yes" after clicking on "Save & go to checkout":
a form is displayed with Customer details as input fields, Reservation Contact input fields and check-boxes to input Payment Method.

Also "Payment Method" & "Pay full price" data is displayed after Reservation confirmation.
Hourly Bookings - Fr ...
Category: Customer Support
vebi wrote:

It seems like a bug. We will check it and let you know.

As regards your question - yes, this feature is possible in the current version.

OK then, I will be waiting for your solution.

Regarding free reservations can you explain what are the required settings to skip the payment process?
Hourly Bookings - Fr ...
Category: Customer Support
Front-End errors:
I face various problems with hourly bookings so I created 2 items trying to see what is wrong. Both items belong to a new template & a new Category which are like the Hockey sample.
The first item named "Gaia" is a new item. The second item named "Gaia b" is a copy of the sample item "Hockey 1".
Both items have same settings ie. Type = Hourly, Time unit = 30, From = 08:00, To = 21:00, Day Availability = Mo - Fr

The problem is that while the copied item displays correctly (besides the fact that Sat & Sun titles still show up), the new item is wrong both in item list & in item detail:
The new item for Mon displays hours 08:00 to 24:00, for Tue, Wed & Thu hours 00:00 to 24:00 and for Friday hours 00:00 to 21:00.

Also even if in global config, "Week Starts on" is set to Monday, the calendar shows Sunday first.

Back-End errors:
Reservation expiration, no matter the new setting, always turns to “online payment only” after item save. This is true for all sample & new items alike.

Screenshots of both items included.

Also, please let me know if the current version (2.2.4) allows for free reservations (ie. no Prices - no Payment is required to reserve) as you have announced in previous forum topics.

Hourly Bookings - Fr ...
Category: Customer Support
coral_artio wrote:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in E:\EasyPHP-5.3.3\www\ISS\components\com_booking\views\subject\tmpl\default_bookitform.php on line 142


Front End - parse er ...
Category: Customer Support
coral_artio wrote:
I have a brand new installation but there is a problem at the front end: the list of bookable items displays fine but when the user clicks on an item's URL the item is displayed with no page formatting & the following error appears:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in E:\EasyPHP-5.3.3\www\ISS\components\com_booking\views\subject\tmpl\default_bookitform.php on line 142

Joomla v2.5.17 (with default data)
ARTIO Bookings v2.2.4 (with default data)
MooTools version:"1.4.5"
JQuery not present
Browser: Mozilla Firefox

Screenshot attached

Screenshot was not attached. It seems that file attachment on the forum does not function properly.
Here I include the image as a URL.

Also installed ARTIO_booking with Joomla 2.5.8. The error is exactly the same,
Front End - parse er ...
Category: Customer Support
I have a brand new installation but there is a problem at the front end: the list of bookable items displays fine but when the user clicks on an item's URL the item is displayed with no page formatting & the following error appears:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in E:\EasyPHP-5.3.3\www\ISS\components\com_booking\views\subject\tmpl\default_bookitform.php on line 142

Joomla v2.5.17 (with default data)
ARTIO Bookings v2.2.4 (with default data)
MooTools version:"1.4.5"
JQuery not present
Browser: Mozilla Firefox

Screenshot attached
Front End - parse er ...
Category: Customer Support
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