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Profile for cobrerosweb

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 17:45
  • Posts: 1
  • Profile Views: 2685
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Hello, I want to buy your component (ARTIO Booking) to reserve sports tracks, but I do not know how to configure an object so that it has a maximum limit of reservations for hours (image 1) I do not know how to configure the "Reservation Settings" section so that the user You can not select all the hours you want when booking an object and the administrator limits it. (Image2)

I have also reviewed the section "Prices" (image3) but I am not clear how to configure it to set a maximum hourly reservation limit for a specific day.

If you tell me how I can set the hour limit per item, I buy your component instantly.
Here you leave the administration data of Joomla !.

Best regards and thanks!!!
Limit number of rese ...
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