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Profile for cncexpertende

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 15:15
  • Posts: 7
  • Profile Views: 4879
  • Location: Germany
  • Gender: Male
  • Birthdate: 06 Mai 1970




Hello makl !

Thank you so much for your excellent support !
Now, my invoice template is perfect.

Best regards,
How to add a label f ...
Category: Customer Support
Please send me your email adress to my email.
Admin access is already set, I will send you the login data.

How to add a label f ...
Category: Customer Support
Thank you for your quick reply.

By IE it works:
How to add a label f ...
Category: Customer Support
Hello, and thank you.

Now, it is pretty good, but still two signs to much on left side.
How can I shift the text two signs to the right?
(I would like to attach a screen shot, but "Add File" does not work)

How to add a label f ...
Category: Customer Support

thank you for your answer.

If I add [Ihre USt-IdNr:] {billing_vm_vatid} to my invoice template, the text is shown, but I have no chance to get the same text alignment like for invoice date, maturity date a.s.o.

How Can I adjust the text alignment?


For one of the next versions, please add a replacement field like {vm_vatid_cpt}
How to add a label f ...
Category: Customer Support
Dear all,
I'm searching for a solution to add a label for {billing_vm_vatid}
Meanwhile, I tried a lot of different ways, but without success.

If I use f.e. [Ihre USt-IdNr.], this text is shown, but I cannot adjust the text alignment, and it is never shown with right-alignment. {vm_vatid_cpt} does not work, only customer's VAT ID is shown, but no label.

{invoice_date_cpt}: {invoice_date}
{taxable_payment_date_cpt}: {taxable_payment_date}
{maturity_date_cpt}: {maturity_date}
{shipping_date_cpt}: {shipping_date}
{payment_type_cpt}: {payment_type}
{variable_symbol_cpt}: {variable_symbol}
{finnish_index_number_cpt}: {finnish_index_number}
{customer_number_cpt}: {customer_number}
{shopper_group_cpt}: {shopper_group}
{vm_vatid_cpt}: {billing_vm_vatid}

I would be very happy, if anybody could help me.
Thank you very much in advance !
How to add a label f ...
Category: Customer Support
For German business it is usual to offer 2% discount for payments within 14 days or without discount for payments within 30 days.
This feature would be very helpfull for VMinvoice. Is it possible to view such a footer line on invoice by changing the invoice template (including calculation) or is it to be developed by you?

Best regards,

Example for a footer line:
Payment discount and ...
Category: Feature Requests
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