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Profile for boejean

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 12:56
  • Posts: 11
  • Profile Views: 7727
  • Location: Unknown
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  • Birthdate: Unknown




You are telling that I have to pay for JoomSEF 4.1 even though my year plan is not up? Also, where can I download 4.1? I don't see that anywhere unless I buy it at the discount prince. Why does it take days to answer people's questions?
Why Should I Buy Joo ...
Category: JoomSEF
I don't understand your method of having people purchase JoomSEF 4.1 when they have paid subscription. I found this to be very unprofessional for a company to charge for upgrades when their help services are not up to par. I bought JoomSEF and not once I remember updating it, why? because it took months to find answers when post questions to the staff. I understand you guys are short in help.

The method of charging extra for an extension is nonsense to me! Is this a quick way for guys to squeeze people out of their hard making money? Most paid extension will allow you to upgrade for 12 months sometimes less, but how easy it is to make minor changes to an extension and charge extra for it. Please don't tell me that you guys are working hard, for it does not show on the forum at all when it comes to answering people's questions.
Why Should I Buy Joo ...
Category: JoomSEF
Do I have to pay for the new upgrade? I have 3.something...I have not updated the one purchased at the start. I noticed that you guys are charging 9.99 to upgrade to the soon to be 4.1.
Question Regarding J ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I got an e-mail regarding a question I posted online months ago. Yes, months ago and finally got a reply back. This is a paid extension, but the help has been slow. I am over my bitterness...Lol..

Anyway, I have some questions.

I don't see where i can download 4.1 of JoomSEF. Where can I download it for Joomla 1.7?

2. I have another website that I am currently working on now, can I use JoomSEF for it? I bought the extension for another website.

3. Since it took months for reply, do we get an extension on our subscription? That would be nice.
Question Regarding J ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
How to stop articles from showing on frontpage? All my articles are showing in frontpage instead of their very own page. This is a link issue only occur when the joomsef is activated.
Articles showing on ...
Category: Extensions
Now even articles in the slider are showing on the front page..please help..thanks
Articles showing on ...
Category: JoomSEF
I had this problem on my last website after i use the plugin. When I clip on the articles it, shows on the front page istead of its own page. I know the plugin cause the issue because it was working just fine. Articles were showing on its own page. How to make articles show on their own page like it was before?

When I disabled the plugin it works just

click on the article at the middle and you will see what it does. It will keep you on the same page and show the article on the front page.
Articles showing on ...
Category: JoomSEF
Links Issues
Category: Extensions
Links Issues
Category: Extensions
"Don't forget to delete the already created URLs so they can be recreated with the new configuration".

Thanks for the information, but how can I delete the already created urls created?
Double Categories Ur ...
Category: Extensions
I noticed that there are two categories listed in the urls for k2. For example, my help. I saw a thread very similar but not enough information to solve the issue.
Double Categories Ur ...
Category: Extensions
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