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Profile for bianchi

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We purchased JoomSEF 3 for our site in June 2009. I understand the paid support period is over but would like to keep the site JoomSEF up to date. How do we purchase an extension to our license? Do we need to?

Using the Automated Update system in JoomSEF, I've updated to 3.9.9 but now I see the "Joomla SEO powered by JoomSEF" on every page.

When I try to update to 3.10.0, the update page says "Entered Download ID has not been found in database. Please check that the ID is correct. If you think this is an error, please contact Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spambots geschützt! Du musst JavaScript aktivieren, damit Du sie sehen kannst. . You will obtain the non-paid version of JoomSEF when launching upgrade from ARTIO Server."

Do we just need to purchase JoomSEF3 again?

Updating JoomSEF 3, ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I don't think sh404sef was ever installed. This is a new site, developed over the last 3 weeks.

Here is what we have:
Joomla 1.5.10
ARTIO JoomSEF: v3.3.0
SEF Service Map: 2.0.11

I did have an older version of SEF Service Map (1.0) and before posting this thread, I thought I should try removing version 1 and upgrading first.

I guess, I'll switch to JoomMap if they both do the same thing.
JoomSEF and SEF Serv ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I found this forum post on the SEF Service Map site which is the same problem I'm having. They don't provide a real solution but suggest that there is a problem with JoomSEF. Please take a quick review and let us know if what they are talking about make sense.

file: /components/com_sef/joomsef.php
function _sefGetLocation
Lines with wrong column definition:

$col = $val = '';
if( isset($Itemid) && ($Itemid != '') ) {
$col = ', `Itemid`';
$val = ", '$Itemid'";
$query = 'INSERT INTO `#__redirection` (`oldurl`, `newurl`'.$col.') '.
"VALUES ('".$temploc."', '".mysql_escape_string(html_entity_decode(urldecode($url)))."'$val)";
// If error occured.
if (!$db->query()) var_dump($query);
JoomSEF and SEF Serv ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

First, i apologize if there is already a solution posted in your forums. I haven't been able to find the search for the forum. Second, I'm pretty new to Joomla, this is my first site and I've only had about two weeks to get up to speed.

I've purchased ARTIO which seems to be working great. Very powerful.

Order Number: 4859

My issue is, since installing ARTIO, all of my links in my SEF Service Map generated site map are pointing to the home page.

Joomla 1.5.10
ARTIO JoomSEF: v3.3.0
SEF Service Map: 2.0.11

I would love to be able to use both. Do you have any idea what might be causing this conflict?

JoomSEF and SEF Serv ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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