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Profile for bettston

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 10:28
  • Posts: 7
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that certainly seems to have fixed the calendar problem on IE however there is definitely something wrong on the ipad (in safari and chrome). if you go to the website

1. you can see the book a reservation button has jumped up.
2. when you go to reservation
a) if you select a date and hit bookit it says select from and to first
b) if you change week no days are listed

If you could look please


Syntax error in cale ...
Category: Customer Support
Please explain how to set up the periodic calendar correctly, at the moment when you select time frame you only can only book the entire time frame setup under prices not an individual hour or multiple hours

This makes it not usable in an hourly environment.


Periodic Calendar Ti ...
Category: Customer Support
after struggling to get the system working and lined up There are now 2 issues that I can see that I need help to sort out.

1. After booking a room you now suddenly get an extra column next to from-to with the word customer, nothing in the column and it pushes the last day of the week onto the next line. see

2. THe booked rooms are pink with no names in put the name is displayed as a tooltip, questions are how to get name or company actually in the calendar, and how to have bookings different in colour from empty rooms that cant be booked.

Please let me have some answers.


Weekly layout joomla ...
Category: Customer Support
we nearly have a working copy at last and with a lot of css changes however there is definitely a bug in your calendar.js file.
when you select a week in week mode you get a syntax error as below

SCRIPT1002: Syntax error
calendars.js, line 555 character 8
SCRIPT1002: Syntax error
calendars.js, line 555 character 8

This is eval(js);

However it works ok in Chrome and Firefox the error is when using IE10 or Safari.
calendar.js on the latest joomla3 version seems different to your demo one

If you can fix this then I think I have a usable system

Please let me know asap.


Syntax error in cale ...
Category: Customer Support
As i have not had any response from the developers on the list of issues and have wasted far more time than the cost of this product i am now looking for a refund. Asyou have my details from the order kindly refund my paypal account in the next day and let me know when you have done it. The software currently is not fit for purpose and when is has potential.


Unable to get a work ...
Category: Customer Support
I have now played around with this paid version for an entire day, watched your videos (don't help as they are not jooml3). And cannot get anything to operate.

I need to have a setup identical to your court booking one (but for rooms). These are the current issues:

1. time slots display but are blank, so no times and nothing to select
2. occupancy is displayed with a dropdown, as its court booking this needs to go.
3. popup calendar is all squashed up ( in modes that have that option)
4. price box is shown and has to be ticked even though without prices is selected in config.
5. cant select from or to.

I really need some answers here especially as this is an expensive module. you can see demo on the test url registerd to me.

Unable to get a work ...
Category: Customer Support
I have purchased the full version of this and it dosent work, you end up with a syntax error in calendar.js. I thought maybe a jquery conflict but I have installed jquery easy and no difference.

I need to get this to work for the client as he paid for it.

Its on the test resgisterd site at the moment under hub booking.

Also I need to get it operate exactly as you hall booking demo, where do I get the full set of instructions and settings to implement that's?


Syntax error in cale ...
Category: Customer Support
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