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Profile for bendermidiman

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 22:50
  • Posts: 8
  • Profile Views: 1926
  • Location: Unknown
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when will it be possible to upload images in this forum so that you could help me with my problem. i got a screen shoot of joomsef were i'm missing 2 menu items,but it is impossible to upload images here i've tried a hole week now without any response
when will it be poss ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I still get this err ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I still get this err ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I still get this error message when i'm trying to uplad a image in tihs forum
"JFolder::create: Could not create directory"
"Failed to upload file '': Failed to create directory to store your file."
I still get this err ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
joomsef screen
pretty much fucked u ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
i uninstalled the joomsef componet and everything works, is it possible to get my mony back?
why is it impossible to upload images in this forum?

i got this error message when i tried to upload a image in the joomsef forum
"JFolder::create: Could not create directory"
"Failed to upload file '': Failed to create directory to store your file."
pretty much fucked u ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
are you sure the installation was completed as it should?
joomsef told it was sucessful, an i even tried to reinstali it from the Artio server

What menu items in backend you think are missing?
i realy dont know but there is 2 white spaces with a link to index.php ?

As regards the URLs, did you install also the extensions for the components?
thats beacause i set the extension to use joomla urls, because of the trouble it make for me

Please, check in URLs Manager, how many URLs are just /.
none as far as i can se

(what component do you use for sitemap?)
i dont have any sitemap componenet

And what component do you have mapped as default item for your frontpage?
frontpage component i think if i got this right

In my opinion it seems you may be missing a JoomSEF extension for the component you use as a main one. (the Community Builder maybe?) ... please, check in Extensions Management - or maybe post a screenshot.
I installed the extensions from the extension manager.
The only one i skipped was joomgallery because i had to pay for it.

the attachments in this forum do not work for me, i'm not able to upload screenshot in this forum. I tried yesterday as well
pretty much fucked u ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Order Number:14944
hello i just installed the joomsef component and it looks pretty much fucked up to me.
link to my sitemap generated with joomsef it generates a link to the main domain about 100 times? And when you manage words it imposible to add an url? and when i turn on the cb extension all members in the userlist point to only one user? it looks like there are 2 menui tems missing in the backend? this is a fresh install of the paid version

joomla 1.5.22
joomsef 3.7.6

any sugestions?
pretty much fucked u ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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