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Profile for bdonner

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 05:47
  • Posts: 7
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Is JoomDOC incompatible with Joomla native SEF URLs?
I cannot get JoomDOC working with Joomla SEF enabled.

Cheers Ben
JoomDoc and SEF URLs ...
Category: JoomDOC
Earlier on this forum ( ) it is said that JoomDOC nowadays is following the J1.5 language file standards. I am using JoomDOC 2.0.2 and still have the following problem:

1. components/com_joomdoc/views/themes/default/language/english.php is still being read

2. the J1.5 standard language file language\en-GB\en-GB.com_joomdoc.ini is a) not read and b) does not include more than a part of the english.php parameters

3. any try to make Joomla read a translation (i.e. swedish.php in the first location or sv-SE.com_joomdoc.ini in the later location ) fails .

How is this meant to work in JoomDOC 2.0.2?

Cheers, Ben
Language files not m ...
Category: JoomDOC
So when using en_GB, the language files I that should be used are


- These are partially read but not all parameters seems to be in use as:

- These files does not hold the original translations (starting with _DML ) from components/com_joomdoc/views/themes/default/language/english.php such as the main page Categories, Downloads Home, Search

- The above english.php IS STILL IN USE and overrides other translations
- english.php is always read, ie swedish.php etcetera are not looked at.

Cheers Ben
Error in code: Trans ...
Category: JoomDOC
The only language file that JoomDoc seems to read in <Joomla_root>/components/com_joomdoc/views/themes/default/language is english.php . If I copy this file to finnish.php, swedish.php a.s.o., these files are not noticed by Joomla/DocMan. The naming should be correct as it corresponds with the <backwardLang> tag in <Joomla_root>/language/fi-FI directory fi-FI.xml. I cannot find the error in JoomDoc's code, has anyone solved this?

Cheers Ben
Error in code: Trans ...
Category: JoomDOC
:) Oh no, both seem to be a bit tired, the right one (I mean the right path to the wrong folder) is /administrator/components/com_joomdoc/plugins :) (you left out the /components/).

no download link on ...
Category: JoomDOC
Thank you Simon, this worked for me too!

Wrong path: /administrator/components/com_joomdoc/plugins
Right path: /plugins/joomdoc

Cheers Ben
no download link on ...
Category: JoomDOC
Everything works fine for me in JoomDoc 2.0.1 except that in the frontend, the documents are not links at all. The titles get highlited when I put the mouse pointer over them but turns into a cursor instead of the link arrow. Anybody have any idea about what could be wrong? You can see what I mean if you try to click a document in

Cheers, Ben

THIS WAS SOLVED: See simonlogan's reply on and notice that the wrongly situated files may be in administrator/components/com_joomdoc/plugins instead of in the correct /plugins/joomdoc/ .
Solved: JoomDoc Docu ...
Category: JoomDOC
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