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Profile for barbara80

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 20:15
  • Posts: 52
  • Profile Views: 6401
  • Location: Unknown
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  • Birthdate: Unknown




I am a long time customer with you and I always got on well with your extensions (and I hope I can do it again for a long time).
I have a richista to you hoping that you take it as soon as possible into account.
When we entrust the package to the courier would like to have the ability to send the customer a link to follow the status of your shipment.
Maybe when you go to the state shipped (add a comment link with shipping or tracking number).
add link to track sh ...
Category: Feature Requests
I took a look at my page of google webmaster tools.
I have noticed that there are lots of duplicate title tags.
They are all the page titles of virtuemart.
Do you have any advice to give?
Duplicate title tags
Category: JoomSEF 4
if I make the change that you suggested does not work anymore anchor link joomla
You also have a solution for this?
drop menu state / pr ...
Category: Priority Support
drop menu state / provinces does not work state / provinces for the shipping address does not work.
This happens only when it is active JoomSE

My versions: Joomla! 2.5.22 - Joomsef 4.5.2 - virtuemart 2.6.6

How can I fix?
please is urgent
drop menu state / pr ...
Category: Priority Support
Product Price includ ...
Category: Customer Support
because I see the price in the price column Net Price?
I would like to show the Gross price
How can I do?
Please is urgent!
I transferred yesterday my new site.
So I have to solve this problem
Product Price includ ...
Category: Customer Support
vm invoice 2.0.40 - vm 2.6.6 - Joomla 2.5.22
Problem (Possible re ...
Category: Customer Support
when I open the list of replacement fields I see all messed up.
View image.
How can I fix?
Problem (Possible re ...
Category: Customer Support
I wanted to know if the problem has been solved?
shipping free
Category: Customer Support
Solved! :)
Thank you so much for the prompt reply
anchor links joomla
Category: JoomSEF 4
someone can tell me why the anchor links do not work?
When I click on a link I was sent to the home page
anchor links joomla
Category: JoomSEF 4
Using only one shipping method.
I put € 60 for free shipping.
So when you reach the total of € 60 should appear free shipping
shipping free
Category: Customer Support
I use the standard virtuemart shipping.
In the model bill using the tag (shipping_desc).
If the shipment was scheduled was displayed as shipping.
If shipping was free, was displayed free shipping.
Free shipping is also displayed in the order confirmation email virtuemart
shipping free
Category: Customer Support
Using the method BY WEIGHT, ZIP AND COUNTRIES (I think it is the standard )
vm version: 2.6.6
Can you give me the fix to do?
I can not wait for update
shipping free
Category: Customer Support
But the support was obliged to go?
You may have an answer please?
shipping free
Category: Customer Support
please can you tell me why the text is no longer displayed: free shipping?
Inserirevo before the tag: {shipping_desc}
now no longer works.
shipping free
Category: Customer Support
how come no longer appears in the field (free shipping)?
Before upgrading to the latest version inserivo tag (shipping_desc).
Now only displays the name of the expedition.
When the shipment is free is not shown
shipping free
Category: Customer Support
I just sent the email with login information
Problem display invo ...
Category: Customer Support
every time I open an order I get this message:
Database search indexes for customer search is missing (for fields: last_name, first_name, company, city, address_type_name, phone_1, virtuemart_user_id+address_type). Adding indexes can dramatically improve search time for customers, if you have lot of them. Click on Create Indexes button if you want to create them automatically. This will not affect VirtueMart behavior. Crating indexes can take more time if you have lot of customers.

If you do not want create indexes or have problem with creating them, disable this feature in Global Configuration -> Order Editing.

Then I clicked the button (create search indexes).
Now when I view the pdf invoice I can not see anything properly.
How can I fix?
View image invoice
Problem display invo ...
Category: Customer Support
This is good news! :)
Can you tell me when will be released the new version?
news about old topic
Category: Customer Support
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