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Profile for arielmorry

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
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OK, Thanks for the notice. I'll keep waiting but FYI this is pretty urgent.
Cache & Synchronize ...
Category: Customer Support
We have around 800 products in our store and a few dozens of CMS pages.
Our store is using a custom web service to update our products inventory and prices (and a few other things) 3 times a day (fetching the info from our company's ERP). In each time we are enabling/disabling products based on the inventory, also changing prices.

When using M-turbo the site is working a lot faster but sometimes we see products that are actually disabled or have no stock, also prices are not updating in the front-end.

I tried using a cron job to update the cached pages but the text file that contains the URL's is not been updated to the current state of products so the script is running, but the cached pages that are disabled are not being removed and the new pages are not being added.

Currently the extension has been uninstalled until we'll find a solution.
Please advise, any suggestion will be more than welcome.
Cache & Synchronize ...
Category: Customer Support
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