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Calendar is NOT clickable not able to make reserv
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TOPIC: Calendar is NOT clickable not able to make reserv

Calendar is NOT clickable not able to make reserv 12 years ago #36515

Hello I am using the paid version of this component on my site and have set up template, objects and set up the configurations how I want them however the calendar on the front-end is unclickable. I am not able to select a date for the room reservation. Can you tell me why this is happening?


paid version
I am using Joomla 1.5.
Last Edit: 12 years ago by Sjones. Reason: mispelled something
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Re: Calendar is NOT clickable not able to make reserv 12 years ago #36545

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107

Please check you have no javascript error on your site. Javascript errors can disable functionality of our component.
You are probably logged in as a customer or you allowed booking for guests (non registered customers)?

When I checked you site, I can't see any reservation type there. Maybe you have not set it correctly. I can only recommend you to check manual. Booking can be difficult for new customers, because of many options and specific logic of the component. But it allows you to create many booking systems.

New booking installation should also contain sample data. If you didn't install them, you can also check our demosite on:
We also prepared demo accounts for our customers so you are able to check our backend. More info on link above.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Calendar is NOT clickable not able to make reserv 12 years ago #36546

You have to click the Reserve a room book on the left side or here is the direct link:
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Re: Calendar is NOT clickable not able to make reserv 12 years ago #36547

Also yes I have allowed for guest to book reservation. It just for booking conference rooms. There are only there.
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Re: Calendar is NOT clickable not able to make reserv 12 years ago #36548

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107
Ok, I found it now.

1. You should disable monthly calendar which is only for daily reservations but you have set only hourly reservation.
2. Check your site for javascript errors. There is probably one, what stops javascript functionality and booking calendar can't be prepared correctly.
3. You are using jQuery + Mootools. Mootools is Joomla javascript framework and we are using it in our component too. If you have also jQuery there, you need to have it in non conflict mode. More about this problem in our FAQ:
Calendar does not work
How to resolve MooTools x JQuery conflict?

EDIT: It is possible that all these problems are caused only because of conflict between jQuery and Mootools.
ARTIO Support Team
Last Edit: 12 years ago by maju.
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Re: Calendar is NOT clickable not able to make reserv 12 years ago #36550

Where can I find this file in order to put it in a no conflict mode. Also Do I need to uninstall Mootools Upgrade or disable it?
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