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Just invoices, not send a Note to shoper
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TOPIC: Just invoices, not send a Note to shoper

Just invoices, not send a Note to shoper 12 years ago #36003


We have a problem with notes and invoices. We just want to send the invoice to our shopper, but Artio VM Invoice sends a Note first, when the shopper hasn't paid yet.

Could you help us with this?
web site:
We attach a file with our configuration.
[attachment:1]Captura de pantalla 2013-01-21 a la(s) 16.02.33.png[/attachment]

[attachment:2]Captura de pantalla 2013-01-21 a la(s) 16.02.54.png[/attachment]

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Re: Just invoices, not send a Note to shoper 12 years ago #36025

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107

I can't see your attachements, but there is one setting for delivery notes.
Delivery Note Confiiguration -> Delivery Note E-mail -> Send With Invoice

If set to Yes, Delivery Note will be sent automatically with invoice in one email. If set to No, you will be able to send emails with delivery notes manually.

Is this helpful for you?
ARTIO Support Team
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