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VM invoice Don't take Tax values from Virtuemart1
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TOPIC: VM invoice Don't take Tax values from Virtuemart1

VM invoice Don't take Tax values from Virtuemart1 12 years ago #36309

Hi, Despite Virtuemart shows the values of and order (Subtotal, Tax Total, Total...) OK, VM invoice take diferents values, for instance:

VM Invoice take subtotal (Net prices of all products) wrong, because it add the Shipping cost, and I need it like in Virtuemart, also put Tax (total tax) 0 and put this value as Discount, Why is doin that?!!!
Thanks for your time
Last Edit: 12 years ago by soportedl.
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Re: VM invoice Don't take Tax values from Virtuemart1 12 years ago #36322

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107

Can you post here printscreen examples of wrong invoices and correct invoices or order details from VM2?
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: VM invoice Don't take Tax values from Virtuemart1 12 years ago #36437

maju wrote:

Can you post here printscreen examples of wrong invoices and correct invoices or order details from VM2?

Is not about VM2, as the title saids is about VM1, and the problems is random, I'm gonna be more explicit here (sorry):

Some times, VM Invoice take the Total Tax value from VM as Discount (See Pictures attached) and the other times take nothing at all.


I just want to show the user Total Tax of the order, so, can I do some math with the fields? (for instances: {total} - {subtotal_net})
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