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Sleva v % / Discount in %
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TOPIC: Sleva v % / Discount in %

Sleva v % / Discount in % 12 years, 1 month ago #35793

Dobrý den.
Nutně potřebuji upravit komponentu o jeden vcelku základní atribut. Když klient upravuje fakturu a chce dát slevu, musí odečíst pevnou částku. Už to je celkem zavádějící, protože když někomu dávám slevu, tak předpokládám, že při zadání slevy se odečte. A pokud máte klienta inženýra, tak se mu to špatně vysvětluje, že do pole sleva musí vložit i znaménko mínus, jinak mu to bude přičítat.

Nicméně, ve snu by mě nenapadlo, že do pole sleva nemůžu zadávat procenta. Jak s tím mohu něco udělat? Šlo by pole upravit alespoň tak, že místo "-10%" zadám alespoň "*0,9" . . . . že by šlo alespoň násobit?

Opravdu se divím tomu, že to není v základu. nebo jsem na to nepřišel? Děkuji

------------------------------------------- for English-speaking users ----------------------------------
Good day.
I really need to edit one component rather basic attribute. When the client adjusts the invoice and wants to give a discount to deduct a fixed amount. Already it is quite misleading, because when I give someone a discount, so I suppose that when you enter discount is deducted. And if you have a client engineer, so he did poorly explains that the box rebate must also insert a minus sign, otherwise he will be attributed.

However, in a dream, it occurred to me that the box can not enter the discount percent. How can I do anything? It would at least modify the field so that instead of "-10%" at least I enter "* 0.9". . . . that would be at least multiplied by?

I really am surprised that it is not in the base. or I did not think of? thank you
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Re: Sleva v % / Discount in % 12 years, 1 month ago #36005

Může mi někdo prosím odpovědět? Děkuji . . .
------------------------------------------- for English-speaking users ----------------------------------
Can someone please answer? Thank you. . .
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Re: Sleva v % / Discount in % 12 years ago #36245

Může mi někdo prosím odpovědět? Je to celkem zásadní problém, když je normální udívat slevu v %! Děkuji . . .
------------------------------------------- for English-speaking users ----------------------------------
Can someone please answer? Thank you. . .
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Re: Sleva v % / Discount in % 12 years ago #36248

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107

we are sorry for late response. I added your request to our project management.

Thanks for your post and idea.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Sleva v % / Discount in % 12 years ago #36249

thank you. my client is very impatient. In addition, I have another project where I would like to extend this purchase. but without the ability to enter% discount, I can not use it.
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Re: Sleva v % / Discount in % 12 years ago #36251

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107
If your client is impatient and need this feature immediately, there is also possibility to make it faster as custom support. If he is interesting in, let us know on Tato emailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty, abyste ji viděli, povolte JavaScript . Only for your information.

I am not sure, when do we release it as free support, there are some tasks before and even if your request is logical, bugs and some incompatibility with new versions of VM2 have priority.
ARTIO Support Team
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