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Mail sent but no Mail
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TOPIC: Mail sent but no Mail

Re: Mail sent but no Mail 14 years ago #19703

Sorry no blocking. The log dont even see a mail coming while every other mail or an echo bla (pipe) mail Tato emailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty, abyste ji viděli, povolte JavaScript arive without any problem.

Is there any example page with a running mailconfig?
And I have seen a mailxxx.php in the adminarea. Should I use this instead?
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Re: Mail sent but no Mail 14 years ago #19751

  • jaku

VM Invoice uses the Joomla's core mailer class. So it will use what is in your Joomla Global Configuration.
If you are sending/receiving other Joomla mails (such e.g. registration notification) then I can see no reason why you should not receive VM Invoice emails.

If you have the latest version and you see just "Mail sent" message, then it means Joomla mailing fuction returned no error and that the mail was handed over to mailing server.

You should also check, that you have filled in correct information as regards sender and sender email in VM Invoice. Having incorrect information there (e.g. invalid sender email) may result in mail server refusing the message.

So a few questions:
1. What do you have configured in Mail Settings in your Joomla Global Configuration?
2. Are other Joomla emails being sent/received?

As regards your questions:
Is there any example page with a running mailconfig?
Not sure what you mean. What kind of example page? (at our demo -, mail sending is working fine)

And I have seen a mailxxx.php in the adminarea. Should I use this instead?
I do not understand this question. What file / where? How do you want to use it?
Last Edit: 14 years ago by .
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Re: Mail sent but no Mail 14 years ago #19777

  • pprle
  • Posts: 19
Hello Jan,

I have have exactly the same problem mail sent message is displayed but no mail !

I tried with all mailer info configurations (joomla,VM and VM invoice) and copy to shopkeeper.

All other mails are sent correctly joomla-virtuemart.

The customer's email address also disappear from the VM Invoice order list ???
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Re: Mail sent but no Mail 14 years ago #19778

Thank you. I receive now because I have found the mistake. In the joomla mail config I put as from my special smtp-auth-name and not my "normal" from address. I found all the mails in the smtp-auth-user account. But the funny thing is the to: (Here shoul be the shopper) is emtpy if I check the header of the mail:

Here is a copy of the heade without original informations:

"Return-path: < Tato emailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty, abyste ji viděli, povolte JavaScript >
Envelope-to: Tato emailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty, abyste ji viděli, povolte JavaScript
Delivery-date: Mon, 24 Jan 2011 14:01:34 -0600
Received: from xxxxx by xxxxx.bla with local (Exim 4.69)
(envelope-from < Tato emailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty, abyste ji viděli, povolte JavaScript >)
id 1PhSbW-0007QM-PZ
for Tato emailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty, abyste ji viděli, povolte JavaScript ; Mon, 24 Jan 2011 14:01:34 -0600
Subject: INFO XXXX
X-PHP-Script: for
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2011 20:01:34 +0000
From: Your xxxxx Team < Tato emailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty, abyste ji viděli, povolte JavaScript >
Cc: Tato emailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty, abyste ji viděli, povolte JavaScript
Message-ID: <>
X-Priority: 3
X-Mailer: PHPMailer ( [version 2.0.4]
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;

My question is how can I define the "shoppermail" ?
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Re: Mail sent but no Mail 14 years ago #19789

  • jaku
the "to" email is determined based on VM Invoice mailing settings. Whether you have set there "both shopper and shopkeeper" or "shopper/shopkeeper only".

For shopper, the email is taken from order.
For shopkeeper, the VM Invoice setting Use Mailer Info from + settings in Joomla / VirtueMart / VM Invoice as regards the email and name.
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Re: Mail sent but no Mail 14 years ago #19792

Thanks for replying. I think I understand that shopper is taken from the shoppers mail which he has put in the email-filed during the order. But the problem is that I am the shopper and I dont receive any mail. Even configuring ""shopper only". But if I look into the copy of these mails headers the to: field is empty.
I guess that is the main issue. And this may explain why I get an "Mail is send" but I get no mail.
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