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Invoice address doesn't show Address_2 and State
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TOPIC: Invoice address doesn't show Address_2 and State

Invoice address doesn't show Address_2 and State 14 years ago #19223

I have found out that the Billing and Shipping Addresses on the generated invoices does not show the Address_2 and State line in the Virtuemart orders.

How can I customize the address format so that it will display the the address correctly according to my country?

Thanks and have a nice day

Current displayed address for example:
Customer Name
Zip City
Extra Field 1 (currently set as "state")
Extra Field 2 (currently set as "phone_1")

There is no slots for me to insert Address_2. Please help.
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Re: Invoice address doesn't show Address_2 and State 14 years ago #19224

Hi there, even my company's address on the PDF header and the footer has no Address_2.

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Re: Invoice address doesn't show Address_2 and State 13 years, 12 months ago #19298

  • jaku

you are right. We will fix this. We did notice that as we are ourselves not using the fields and noone was complaining about this so far.
Please, upgrade to the latest version when available. (should be later today)
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