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Profile for siowwf83

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I am sorry. It is due to the status has been changed to Shipped and the icon disappeared.

I have fixed it by adding another rule $db->f("order_status") == 'S' on ps_order.php.

It now looks as follow:-

$tmp_cell = ($db->f("order_status") == 'C' || $db->f("order_status") == 'S') ? '<a href="' .JRoute::_($pdf_url) . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . JURI::base() . 'images/stories/pdf.png" /><br />' . JText::_('Invoice') .' </a>' : '';

instead of the previous:-

$tmp_cell = ($db->f("order_status") == 'C') ? '<a href="' .JRoute::_($pdf_url) . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . JURI::base() . 'images/stories/pdf.png" /><br />' . JText::_('Invoice') .' </a>' : '';

Thank you!
[Solved] Front-End P ...
Category: VM Invoice
Hi there, I have too much customizations and could not update my Artio VM Invoice.

However, the Invoice date generated was the "current date" and not the "created date" where it should be.

Can you tell me the way to fix it instead of updating the entire component?

Thanks in advance.
Invoice Date
Category: VM Invoice
Hi there,

I have previously integrated well on my Virtuemart front-end which allowing the customers to download the invoice through the Virtuemart's Order List.

Without updating anything, the PDF icon and the link to download the invoice gone missing, while the 4th column for the icon is there "empty".

I have checked that the PDF gif file is still there at the correct location.

Can you tell me any possibility that cause this automatic disappear of the front-end PDF Invoice icon?

Thanks in advance.
[Solved] Front-End P ...
Category: VM Invoice
Hi there,

I found out that the Invoice date is the current date, which it should be the date created when it is created.

When i view the invoice list on the admin page, the created date and last modified date is correct.

But when I clicked on the PDF Invoice, the date become the recent date instead of created date.

Hope you can help me out of this problem.

Thanks and have a nice day.
Invoice Date Incorre ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi there, even my company's address on the PDF header and the footer has no Address_2.

Invoice address does ...
Category: Customer Support
I have found out that the Billing and Shipping Addresses on the generated invoices does not show the Address_2 and State line in the Virtuemart orders.

How can I customize the address format so that it will display the the address correctly according to my country?

Thanks and have a nice day

Current displayed address for example:
Customer Name
Zip City
Extra Field 1 (currently set as "state")
Extra Field 2 (currently set as "phone_1")

There is no slots for me to insert Address_2. Please help.
Invoice address does ...
Category: Customer Support
Well I have found out the line myself. It's quite easy. Located at line 640 at ps_order.php for my version.

Front-end integratio ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
Have uninstalled the plg_vminvoice_autorun and seems no more blank page.

Any solution or what should I do?

Thousand thanks.
Regular "Blank Page" ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi there, have just purchased VM Invoice, and happy with the features provided.

However, after installed, all links to my entire site will show only a blank page, only after i clicked on any menu of VM Invoice in the Administrator, the site back "on".

Please help me to fix my problem as this unstable will cost my client's sales. Please help please help!

Regular "Blank Page" ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi, just purchased VM Invoice to upgrade my client's e-commerce website for an auto-invoice feature. However, I am using an older VM and cannot upgrade for some reasons because of too many customized functions before that.

Is there any guide to do front-end integration with the older VM 1.1.2?

Thanks in advance..
Front-end integratio ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
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