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Extra-field for Delivery-Note
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TOPIC: Extra-field for Delivery-Note

Extra-field for Delivery-Note 14 years ago #20102

Hello, In french people use to send their phone and some extra message about a specila code to open a door to the logistic. In which document can I change or add this settungs?

Si possible, appeler au 0627***** , 1h avant la livraison. code porte B404, digicode, rahm***. 1er etage

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Re: Extra-field for Delivery-Note 14 years ago #20167

  • jaku
you would need to change the PDF generation file, which is administrator/components/com_vminvoice/helpers/invoicehtml.pdf;

anyway, where from should this information be taken from? VM order message text?

We can include this in the next release.
Last Edit: 14 years ago by .
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