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Display header on every page, footer only on last
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TOPIC: Display header on every page, footer only on last

Display header on every page, footer only on last 12 years, 11 months ago #28287

I'd like to slightly change the behavior of the invoice, which is print the header on every page and the footer with totals only on the last page.

the default template shows a little part of the header on first page, and footer on every page.

My invoice right now is like this:
since I cannot seem to be able to attach here's the file:

if I move the first pagebreak right before the {items} row it won't display the header at all!
Last Edit: 12 years, 11 months ago by supersamastore.
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Re: Display header on every page, footer only on last 12 years, 11 months ago #28300

  • pama
  • Posts: 489
Firstly, pagebreak in template separates template to 3 parts: Header, Body and Footer. Header and Footer are displayed on start and end of each page. It has nothing to do with {items} table.

Secondly, {items} table header is not defined in main editor screen, but lower in "Items Header" editor.

Thirdly (i think this is the point), you're right, VM Invoice doesn't display table header on every page. You can achieve it by 2 simple steps:

1. edit file administrator/componens/com_vminvoice/helpers/invoicehtml.php and comment out lines 1023 and 1026:
//$code.= VMI_NL.'<thead>';
//$code.= VMI_NL.'</thead>';
2. place {items} tag in template OUTSIDE ANY TABLE. TCPDF can't repeat table header if it is in nested table. (note: check HTML code editor produces when copying tag to new location, sometimes it places it inside <span> with extra small font size).

We will probably add that feature to next version.
ARTIO Support Team
Last Edit: 12 years, 11 months ago by pama.
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