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Profile for supersamastore

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Please, nobody has had this kind of problem?
Auto create InvoiceN ...
Category: Community Support
I've noticed that the system creates automatically an InvoiceNo when I change the order status into Confirmed.

I've never noticed this behaviour on other installations, auto generation is always set to Manual...

Am I missing something?
That's the normal behaviour or what?

Thanks in advance to anyone will reply to me :)
Auto create InvoiceN ...
Category: Community Support
we have a shop with child products as stockable variants, VirtueMart 2.6.0 and VMInvoice 2.0.43

If I create a new order and try to select a product, I have both child and parent product in the list (in my case I need to have only children products because are stock related, but that's not the main problem).

If I select the parent I have the possibility to choose the related child with the stockable custom field select, and that's good. But selecting it the parent product is loaded in the order even if I need the child one.

If I select the child in the product selection I see the same select even if it is not necessary, I think. I just want the child product added to the order with no other selection (cause it have no children itself).

There's some problem in my shop configuration or is the stockable variants VMInvoice support still in progress?

Let me know.

Thanks in advance for the support.
Stockable variants s ...
Category: Feature Requests
Hi. Sorry for not getting back soon.
Since credit note is a patch and not a standalone module we're still figuring out how share it back.
Probably we will distribute it freely, and in case we hope Artio will accept it in the main tree.
Otherwise we will distribute it alone.
Please have patience, we haven't forgotten.

Possibility to add c ...
Category: Customer Support
we developed this internally for a customer of us, along with other features like order cloning and such.

if you're interested get in touch!
Possibility to add c ...
Category: Customer Support
removing the GROUP BY sensibly increases the speed of the operation. I'd advice to remove it
Slow invoice printin ...
Category: Customer Support
We're experiencing slowness in invoice printing.
First we create invoice number, then we click on the PDF icon to see the document and it takes up to 40 seconds on a live busy site.
We checked out and MySQL was being very high on that time. Checking mysql-slow.log we found this query taking most of the waiting time:
v.vendor_name AS company_name,
i.title AS title,
i.first_name AS first_name ,
i.middle_name AS middle_name,
i.last_name AS last_name,
i.phone_1 AS phone_1,
i.phone_2 AS phone_2,
vlang.vendor_phone AS phone_vendor,
i.fax AS fax, AS email,
i.address_1 AS address_1,
i.address_2 AS address_2, AS city,
c.country_3_code, AS zip,
vlang.vendor_store_name AS store_name,
vlang.vendor_store_desc AS store_desc,
vlang.vendor_url AS url,
IF (curr.currency_name IS NULL, CONCAT('Currency ',v.vendor_currency), curr.currency_name) AS currency_name,
IF (curr.currency_code_3 IS NULL, CONCAT('Currency ',v.vendor_currency), curr.currency_code_3) AS currency_3_code
FROM `j25_virtuemart_vendors` AS v
LEFT JOIN `j25_virtuemart_vmusers` AS vmusers ON v.virtuemart_vendor_id = vmusers.virtuemart_vendor_id
LEFT JOIN `j25_virtuemart_userinfos` AS i ON (vmusers.virtuemart_user_id=i.virtuemart_user_id AND i.address_type='BT')
LEFT JOIN `j25_virtuemart_countries` AS c ON (i.virtuemart_country_id = c.virtuemart_country_id)
LEFT JOIN `j25_virtuemart_states` AS s ON (i.virtuemart_state_id = s.virtuemart_state_id)
LEFT JOIN j25_virtuemart_vendors_it_it AS vlang ON vmusers.virtuemart_vendor_id = .vlang.virtuemart_vendor_id
LEFT JOIN `j25_users` AS u ON vmusers.virtuemart_user_id =
LEFT JOIN `j25_virtuemart_currencies` AS curr ON v.vendor_currency = curr.virtuemart_currency_id
WHERE v.virtuemart_vendor_id=1 GROUP BY v.virtuemart_vendor_id LIMIT 1;

Is there any way to speed it up?
We're using VMInvoice 2.0.24.

Slow invoice printin ...
Category: Customer Support
We developed a small patch to improve customer search in manual order creation. With ~17k orders and nearly as many users the default search was barely usable.

The attached patch introduces a timeout in search, and a limitation in the number of returned results.
Improved customer se ...
Category: Customer Support
we fixed with the following options:

  1. set all roundings to -1 in VM Config, except the last one
  2. enable "Round only on display" in VM config (again in the Prices tab like above)
  3. disable prices rounding in tax summary in VMInvoice (Invoice item options)
Problems with prices ...
Category: Customer Support
at least, how can we trigger VMInvoice calculations?
Problems with prices ...
Category: Customer Support
any update on this?
Problems with prices ...
Category: Customer Support
you don't have to add a SINGLE product with that price, but all the articles in the first post!!

Anyway you can replicate the issue with just one:

Add a product with base price 4.54545.
Add an order from the backend of 3 of the above items generates a row total of 16.49, while the raw math is:
4.54545 * 3 * 1.21 -> 16,4999835. The above value should be 16.50, then...
Problems with prices ...
Category: Customer Support
can you show us how to set VMInvoice recalculate, instead of using VirtueMart data?
Problems with prices ...
Category: Customer Support
We have a huge VirtueMart database (15000+ orders), and VMInvoice Invoices list takes VERY long to load: on a dedicated server with 4G ram and quad core Xeon takes up to 15 seconds.
This is not a big issue "per-se", but when you have five or more concurrent users browsing that page becomes a intensive job for the server.

I believe this is because every time the page is loaded PDFs are checked on disk. Isn't it possible to scan for the PDF of the current page only?

VERY slow on order l ...
Category: Customer Support
can you please post me the values you used and results?
Problems with prices ...
Category: Customer Support
I upgraded to 2.0.22 but I'm still having some problems.
I added a new order from VMinvoice backend, in invoice items configuration i set math round, use of rounded vals in tax summary.

The ending values are:
Product net: 312.50
Tax: 65.58
Total: 378.08

But if I do some manual math: (312.50/100) * 21 -> 65,625

There's something wrong even with smaller numbers.
We've a product with base price 4.54545.
Adding an order from the backend of 3 of the above items generates a row total of 16.49, while the raw math is:
4.54545 * 3 * 1.21 -> 16,4999835. The above value should be 16.50, then...
Problems with prices ...
Category: Customer Support
maju wrote:

but your product_tax is wrong, isn't it?

No, product_tax is right. I have a VatTax of 21%, so
product_final_price = 604 - 60.4 = 543.6
product_price_without_tax = 543.6 / 1.21 = 449.26
product_tax = 543.6 - 449.26 = 94.34
that's the VirtueMart behaviour, the product_tax is calcuated after the discount has been applied.

VMInvoice, instead, calculate the final price as product_item_price + product_tax, and that's wrong cause the product_tax is not product_item_price * .21 but is the product_tax with discount!!
Seems that VMInvoice doesn't follow the VirtueMart behaviour...
Calc rules not consi ...
Category: Customer Support
I've upgraded VirtueMart to the 2.0.18a, but the error persists.
Calc rules not consi ...
Category: Customer Support
I've upgraded VMInvoice to the 2.0.22, but the error persists.
Calc rules not consi ...
Category: Customer Support
I'm using PHP 5.3.10, Joomla 2.5.6 with VirtueMart 2.0.14 and VMInvoice 2.0.19.

Sadly I've found that saving an order, which have a DBTax order calc rule associated, results in a product_basePriceWithTax wrong update (calculated as product_item_price + product_tax without calc rules consideration).

Here more details:
I have a VatTax of 21% and a calc rule that applies -10% discount to a product category. When I purchase a product of that category, I have these values in db:
| product_item_price | product_tax | product_basePriceWithTax | product_final_price | product_subtotal_discount | product_subtotal_with_tax |
| 499.17355 | 94.34000 | 604.00000 | 543.60000 | -60.40000 | 543.60000 |

If I click "Save", without changing any value, totals chages in this way:
| product_item_price | product_tax | product_basePriceWithTax | product_final_price | product_subtotal_discount | product_subtotal_with_tax |
| 499.17355 | 94.34000 | 593.51355 | 653.91355 | -60.40000 | 533.11355 |

Printing the invoice results in a 18.9% wrong product tax...

The 10% discount is regularly stored in #__virtuemart_order_calc_rules table but seems not to be considered.

Waiting for a feedback, best regards...
Calc rules not consi ...
Category: Customer Support
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