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Delivery note filename wrongly invoice_XXXX.pdf
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TOPIC: Delivery note filename wrongly invoice_XXXX.pdf

Delivery note filename wrongly invoice_XXXX.pdf 12 years ago #36225


we have translated part of the VM INvoice into Finnish and when translating also translated in the root/language/fi-FI language file for VM INvoice. We translated the file-name as:

; Filename prefixes

So when clicking the Generate PDF of Delivery-not the pdf should have the name "lahetyslista_xxxx.pdf". But instead of the correct filename the filename that is generated is exactly the same as the invoice has, that is "lasku_1137_fi-FI.pdf".

This is the link for the Generate DN PDF (deliverynote):'index.php?option=com_vminvoice&controller=invoices&task=pdf_dn&cid=1137',%20'win2',%20'status=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,titlebar=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,width=640,height=480,directories=no,location=no');

Why is the delivery not pdf names "invoice_" and not "deliverynote_" as it should be?

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Re: Delivery note filename wrongly invoice_XXXX.pdf 12 years ago #36270

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107

there was a problem with Delivery Note vs Invoice. When you printed Invoice after Delivery Note then Invoice was DN. Can you upgrade to the newest version 2.0.22? I am not sure, it will help you, but we will see.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Delivery note filename wrongly invoice_XXXX.pdf 12 years ago #36504

Fixed it! Thank you so much!

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